I used this book: CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-004 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119280524/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glc_fabc_4EZ9Z9ART960V7N91N09
And then I used Certmaster and the CompTIA practice tests. I read the book with one chapter a night and took the notes on paper before typing them up. After the book I did the practice tests. At the end of the tests they give you what you passed vs failed so I focused on reviewing what I failed in Certmaster.
For anything CompTIA I like the Sybex books. I also used cbt nuggets. For practice tests I did the ones in the book and cbt nuggets had some. Honestly just learn the main topics and make flash cards for terminology. Don't overthink the test.
I crammed for about 2 weeks using the SYBEX BOOK
The online access material was pretty good. I admittedly memorized the entire book and still scored below 800 on this one. It's a chore.
To add on to the project+ part, as I just took it.
Going through the Udemy course https://wgu.udemy.com/course/comptiaproject-pk0-004/
and the abridged study guide (250 pages, vs the 450+ for the provided ebook) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1119280524/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Set me up well to pass it, I didn't do the best but I got like 768.
Watching the videos first on 2x seemed to provided a good basis, I also screen capped some of the graphs and charts when they were covered and took notes, though I didn't read those notes and they were a waste.
Then I worked through the book taking notes as I went along and reviewed them for a few days before the test.
I recommend taking simple hierarchical notes, using bullet points and nesting what things are under what part/topics and what they entail. It was dry, I hated it and spent way too long on it from procrastinating, but when I really went at it at the end it was pretty quick to pick up. The actual test isn't that hard imo. I was getting ~80% on the comptia questions, then only 65-70% on the pluralsight ones that I've read some post saying were more accurate to the test, which had me worried towards the end as studying my notes didn't improve that score. But in the end the comptia questions lined up with the topics covered more.
I'm not super far into the BSIT program yet, and Project+ is the only CompTIA exam I've taken so far. That said, out of all the classes I currently have under my belt, Project+ was probably the hardest.
Overall it took me about two and a half weeks. Different people will have different recipes for what made them pass the exam; I'll give you mine:
There are also some video courses you can watch, if you prefer video. I personally am terrible with videos (they are not compatible with my ADHD lol), but regardless, these are what some other people have used:
Anyway, I honestly think it's a good idea to combine 2 different study sources for these CompTIA exams. Reading more than one study guide or watching more than one video course will help reinforce the ideas in slightly different ways, or in slightly different perspectives. The combination of Sybex + Certmaster is what worked best for me.
One more thing: If I could go back in time and do it over again, I would make use of the Kaplan/Cybervista practice tests (which are provided in the Casey Ayers Pluralsight course). I didn't take a very close look at them, but when I did, the questions were very wordy and analytical, and probably would've better helped me prepare for the actual exam.
When you take the actual exam, some of it will definitely be quite analytical. Some questions are more memorization-based and are easy, but others are like, "You're a project manager working on a construction project in a new subdivision. The main contractor is out working on a different project, and the two other subcontractors are arguing with each other about something. The project charter is missing critical information, and the stakeholders are not happy with the progress on the project so far. What is the first step you should take?" (all of the answers will seem "correct", so you have to think really hard to suss out the answer that's the most fitting.)
Anyway, I didn't mean to make this comment as long as I did, but I hope it helps. Good luck!
I liked these: https://www.amazon.com/CompTIA-Project-Study-Guide-PK0-004/dp/1119280524
You may want to check your library or OverDrive to check them out. Sybex registration will give you some practice tests online.
I hated Project+ so there isn't any advice I would give myself before preparing. 😃
Great, thanks. I do a fair amount of project work already but between our limited capacity, my split responsibilities, and my lack of PM skills I feel like my wheels are always spinning and I'm not doing a great job.
I'm a big believer in offloading as much information as possible to systems designed to manage it, versus using our consistently poor memories and limited brain space, and I have no idea how to do that with projects. I'm hoping PM concepts and systems cater to this.
edit: are these the books you mentioned?
CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-004 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119280524/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_kdOxDbM2ZGBH1 CompTIA Project+ Practice Tests: Exam PK0-004 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119363357/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ceOxDbYYB9S8H