So this may be more work than it is worth (depending on your learning style), but I'm combining all my resources (Prof. Messer notes & videos, ITProTV, a couple of books, various practice tests/quizzes) into one master set of notes by hand.
For concepts I feel comfortable with, I may not write as much, but I make sure to hit every single objective at least by name. This is for review purposes (don't want to forget something is on the exam) as well as making a space for adding in more notes later, as part of my practice test review.
The notes are organized by CompTIA's objectives list so I can quickly get to the section I need. In the front of my notebook is an Exam Readiness Checklist from Glen E. Clarke's Sec+ book which is my "roadmap" to see how well I'm retaining the information. You can see the checklist for yourself here on Amazon, if you're curious (using the "look inside" feature).
For practice tests that self-score: I go over what I got wrong and any answers I felt uncertain on, and make a list of those topics. During my reviews I hit those areas harder, do some Googling, whatever it takes to understand what went wrong where, and add those notes into the master notes. This is usually just done with sticky notes.
For practice tests that don't self-score, I do more or less the same, but I use a text editor to mark my answers/flag any questions for review/what have you. The review of the answers is the same. The text editor to mark my answers is the only time I'm not physically writing things down on paper.
Each practice test review has its own page(s) in my notebook, labeled with the practice test origin (Udemy, Prof. Messer, ITProTV, etc), name (Practice test #1 or whatever), date taken, and score. This is so I can make sure I'm not making the same mistakes over and over as well as see my progress. I also like doing this to make sure I'm not fundamentally misunderstanding some larger concept, which would lead to me missing questions about that concept regardless of test.
I also have a truly hilarious pile of flashcards, but I'm not sure I can recommend that if you're not a flashcard type of person lol.
Sure. Here is the book:
Keep in mind, the questions they provide in the book were EXTREMELY easy compared to the actual exam.
I passed 501 with about 2.5 weeks of study with CompTIA Security+ Certification Study Guide, Third Edition and CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Exam Cram. Probably 4 or 5 hours in the beginning reading to anywhere between half hour to 2 hour sections of reviewing stuff. Didn't feel ready and the test questions were way different but I knew enough about it all to pass it. Definitely doable, just put the time into reviewing stuff.