If you don't want to require suits, then consider having the men in black/khaki slacks (likely already own, or can get for cheap... thrift stores have them for miles), white shirts, and perhaps colored vests. I just yanked this one randomly off of Amazon, and it's only $25: https://www.amazon.com/COOFANDY-Sleeveless-Business-Wedding-Waistcoat/dp/B07BDFQKWG/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=wine+colored+vest+for+men&qid=1667000605&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI1LjI5IiwicXNhIjoiMy44NyIsInFzcCI6IjIuODYifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=colored+vest+men%2Caps%2C412&sr=8-4
So if you can confer with your groomsmen/bridesmen and see if they all have white shirts and black/khaki slacks, you can have them head to Amazon and buy a vest for quite cheap.
You can also ask them what color suits they own. Most men do have at least one. But you can't guarantee they are all in the same color. You could certainly ask, though. If they DO all have gray suits or black suits or blue suits, then just buy them some matching ties. Won't be that expensive.