>I did connect one sickle flow to the motherboard fan pin the humming was gone
That would indicate it's not the fans fault.
>but then when I connect it to arctic case fan hub it started again
That would indicate it has something to do with that hub or what the hub is doing to the fan.
>do you have fan hub if you do then which you are using ?
The only hub I'm using is this. I bought it because my motherboard doesn't have its capabilities onboard. All this does is allow me to control the RGB of the case fan. Does its job.
They’re 3 pin argb fans. So any argb controller would work.
Cooler Master Addressable RGB Fan Controller with 6 Preset Modes, 7 Colors, Thermal Detection Mode for Fans and Air Cooler https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H241TFT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_2YYGEX4KTA7E0DSW9FF4
This is the cheapest controller I found but it only lets you connect 4 fans. You could buy an rgb splitter cable along with it. It only has basic modes and colors.
As for fan speed. They can connect to your motherboard. You’d need a fan splitter cable to connect all 5 though. I’m assuming there’s only like 2 fan headers in your motherboard. I hope this makes sense
You can get a internal rgb controller that connects to a usb header on your motherboard. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-MFX-ACBN-NNUNN-R1-Controller-Detection/dp/B07H241TFT
but it only works with the 3 pin addressable rgb fan as far as I can tell. I coudn't find any controllers that work with both 12v and 5v rgb at the same time. You might need to just buy more of the same fan instead or a kit of fans that include a controller.
I appreciate your helpful responses!
Would this work as well? It's more in the price range I was looking to spend.
Will that enable the case lighting elements and fans to be ARGB also? Some people say that it turns everything into RGB only.
Also, would I need separate adapter cables because it doesn't appear I can just plug this into the 4 pin connector directly on the motherboard.
The CoolerMaster one looks good but I don't want to spend that much. Would this one do the same things?
I'm looking at your motherboard's manual and I'm not seeing any RGB or A-RGB headers. The only "LED" header I see is a 4-pin LED_CPU header.
You would need something like this.
>do you have to use a fan and rgb controller?
I do, I bought this, works like a charm.
Based on the comments in this thread in the Asus forums, it doesn't sound like your motherboard will directly support ARGB devices like the LED strip in the Torrent or ARGB fans. You may want something like the Cooler Master ARGB fan controller.
That mobo only has non-addressable 4 pin RGB headers. Non-addressable means all leds are treated as they were one single led, so only one color at once on the entire strip.
The fans you linked are rgb-addressable, meaning you can control each led, so they can show multiple colors at once. They're meant to be controlled by a 3 pin addressable source.
Difference explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrqWyAq4L-U
That said, no point in spending money on addressable rgb fans plus adapter if you want to control them via motherboard software (Aura Sync in your case), you pay for fans able to display multiple colors at once and you send them only one. If you don't plan to change mobo and get one with addressable rgb headers, buy normal 4 pin rgb fans.
If you're willing to control the fans leds not via software but with a separate controller, on the other hand, you just need a controller with presets. A few examples just to let you understand:
- this one is only controllable with buttons on the controller itself, so it needs to be accessible: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H241TFT
- this one instead comes with a remote: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W5BN8LT
- this one is a good example of a complete fans+controller bundle, I used it in the past and it was great. It gives both options of controlling via software (but again, addressable rgb so no use for your mobo) or controlling by clicking the buttons on the controller. No remote sadly: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FNKHDRS
Get something like this https://www.amazon.ca/Cooler-Master-MFX-ACBN-NNUNN-R1-Controller-Detection/dp/B07H241TFT
I had to buy a ARGB controller and attach that to the fan since the motherboard doesn't have space for it. Works fine now.
This is the fan I bought: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H241TFT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Hope it helps.
I don't see a 3-pin 5V ARGB header on that motherboard, which is what the Sickleflow fan needs to control the LEDs. The 3-pin connector on the fan has two ends, male and female, so you can daisy chain multiple fans off one ARGB header.
I do see a 4-pin 12V LED_CPU header but that's the wrong connector for your fan LEDs. I'm afraid you'll either need a different motherboard or to get a standalone ARGB controller if you want the fan LEDS to work. Cooler Master sells one pretty cheap: https://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-MFX-ACBN-NNUNN-R1-Controller-Detection/dp/B07H241TFT
I actually posted about this on r/buildapc but never got a response. I found this Cooler Master controller for 20 bucks, do you think it would work? I found this site where it looks like they got this to work. Do you think it would work with a non-Cooler Master product though?
So I think if you want to use everything together, you're probably not going to be able to use the Node Pro. I think your best bet would be to use Asus Aura for everything. Your motherboard has 2 rgb headers and 2 addressable rgb headers, but I think you are going to want to use only the 2 addressable ones.
I would plug the cooler directly into one of the addressable rgb headers and then use this along with a few of these to connect the rgb strips and cable combs to the hub, which would connect to the other addressable header.
The motherboard and monitor should connect to Asus Aura by themselves. The keyboard and mouse will almost certainly not connect to Asus Aura, but should both be able to use Razer chroma to connect to each other.
Let me know if any of this doesn't make sense.