The B1 series were pretty infamous for the crappy the performance and component quality. So congrats on having 5 years without any major issues lol.
I would consider a corsair CX550 as a baseline. It's 140mm long, which is 1mm longer than the current 500b(the case is rated at 180mm for psu length btw). Component quality and internal design is FAR superior than your old 500B.
Other options from lowest to highest rated(none are bad btw), would be the evga BQ, corsair CX-F, corsair TXm, antec earthwatts gold pro/phanteks amp/seasonic focus, and the corsair RMx/thermaltake GF1.
Stock coolers and fans will be fine if she doesn't intend to game or do anything performance intensive. I'd use that money to upgrade to a 1TB SSD.
You absolutely want a much better PSU, for that build a 550W silver+ certified one from corsair or another name brand will suffice. This 550W Corsair is a great fit.
For only a couple dollars more, I'd go with the CX Series. The CXM modular version is only $3 more which might be worth getting as well. Unless you're using high end parts, 550w is enough for most builds, though if you are planning on using high end parts you should be looking at much higher quality PSUs.
Shop around and check /r/buildapcsales frequently. Pcpartpicker also keeps mostly updated with prices. Last place you wanna skimp on is a psu, so avoid the lesser known and lesser reputable manufacturers. Amazon has a Corsair CX550 for $55 but its not modular. That isn't a big deal though, it just means you'll need to hide a few more unsightly cables. The also sell a renewed version but it only has a 90 day warranty through amazon, and I'm not sure if the manufacturer's warranty still applies so probably not worth risking it.
Sorry, I don't know why it gave me UK.
You don't need the additional pins for a 3600. That's for extreme overclocking, and for processors that can pull a lot of power. The 3600 will hardly pull more than 100W when overclocked, so even with the extra pin, it will never be able to utilize the extra power headroom. Your system will work fine with just the 8pin.
You can get it from Amazon in US.
RAMs are more-so motherboard dependent , plus in my country of residence the 3200 MHz variants cost a notable amount more than the 3000 MHz for relatively quite little performance hike. Hence its a personal preference tbf. Tomahawk qualifies for OC'ing the sticks to about 3444 MHz so its a good deal.
If you plan to play Cyberpunk with this rig - I would certainly recommend going for the 2060 , unless you can save up a little more and afford the 2060 Super.
Cyberpunk 2077 devs confirmed that they would be utilizing the Ray Tracing tech extensively ; hence it would be a good choice to go with an RTX GPU in any case. My guess is if the DXR in Cyberpunk is optimized as well as the Global Illumination in Metro Exodus : you could expect 50-60 FPS on average with 2060 at 1080p RTX Ultra ; and a stable 60+FPS with 2060 Super for the same.
I recommend this psu because it will allow you more than enough power and when you likely pick up a dedicated gpu down the line this will be able to power it
You cpu has something called an APU so that’s basically a gpu and cpu crammed together. Obviously a dedicated gpu would be better and more powerful but an apu will do you fine for entery level gaming. And down the line if you want a better gaming experience you can buy a dedicated gpu for $100 (rx 570)
Will this do
Is it worth it to spend 6k on the psu or should I just go with cx550 (4.6k)....I intend on buying a liquid cooler 240mm in the future and want to overclock just above 4ghz
I would, especially if its already 5 years old. Those aren't great units. I'd get at least a Bronze 500-500 watt unit, maybe something like this:
Someone else will have a suggestion with better cost/performance ratio I'm sure, as I'm not the most educated on PSU's, but I do know I would not trust my brand new 1600 and 1060 to a five year old whitebox 450w PSU.
You can drop the cooler the stock one is fine. You can save some money for a storage drive by doing that and maybe switching to this PSU.
Edit: If you don't want more storage then pick up an extra stick of ram.
Would this suffice
The 550w corsair cx is $65. What parts are you getting? I would trust a higher quality 550w over a lower quality 600w.
I would go for the 550w corsair cx. It has slightly more wattage, but more importantly, it's known to be a well made power supply for the price (according to professional reviewers, not Amazon reviewers).
The corsair cx is pretty good quality and within your budget.
Just out of curiosity, what psu died on you?
I didn't fully go through the video so I'm not certain. I would skip that psu in favor of a more well regarded piece. The CX550, CX550M are about the same price and very good power supplies for 5$ more. The "650" watt you listed can only output 528 watts on the 12v rail (where the cpu/gpu) are powered compared to the full 550 is available on the corsairs.
PSU tier list (PSU shopping is pretty confusing because brands don't always correlate to quality)
how bout this, is it good?
I found This on Amazon
Thanks for your help! Hope this one (CP-9020121-NA) is okay :)
Available on Amazon @ 5300 - 10% on ICICI
I got the CX650M @ 6300 with the discount!
Cheap-ish but still pretty decent:
Or if you want to get something a little higher end:
Very true lol. I’ll probably go with the Corsair CX Series 550 Watt 80 Power Supply
CORSAIR CX Series CX550 550W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply
Need a PSU for my ryzen 5 1600 + 1050 TI build, this a reliable PSU?
CORSAIR CX Series CX550 550W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply