There’s no 600W ones in stock but here’s a 650: Corsair CX Series 650 Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certified Non-Modular Power Supply (CP-9020122-NA)
Olha, eu não levaria a fonte, é pesada e relativamente grande. Veja bem, na Amazon do Canadá tem essa Corsair de 650W não modular, etá saindo por 90 dólares canadenses. Talvez seja porque detesto me preocupar com bagagem, mas eu compraria essas coisas maiores lá fora.
Em relação as peças, você DEVE colocá-las em um plástico anti estático. Se tiver as embalagens originais com certeza terá os plásticos, se não, alguma boa loja de informática terá. Se seu HD não for SSD, tome cuidado enrolando-o em suas roupas e colocando-o no meio da mala para evitar impacto. RAM e CPU só necessitam do plástico anti estático. A GPU seria ideal ir na caixa original por conta dos coolers. Mas se enrolar no plástico e depois na roupa, vai tranquilo.
I don't see myself purchasing a 3070 for quite a while. 2080 may be where I end up in a year, so I think just 650 would be fine for my use. The Seasonic does seem a little pricy though, I could live without modularity as my case has a solid back panel and I wont see any of it. Would a lower wattage CX650 for $70 be a good (cheaper) choice? Or is there a more efficient one for around that price?
>So I must ask, is it still safe for me to use this PSU?
It doesn't matter how it came to burn something. There should not have been enough current to make something burn.
Would that one be better?
How many watts is it? You can convert from molex to 6 pin. Or if you need to, from Sata to Molex to 6 pin.
But yeah, just buy a new power supply. Get Corsair.
Here is a great deal 650W for $50, $10 more if you want modular (meaning the cables unplug, so you only have as many cables as you need, rather than just having extra cables stuffed in some spot.
The only difference between fully-modular and semi-modular is whether or not you can plug the mobo and CPU cables from the PSU. You might also be looking a a different efficiency PSU which will also dramatically affect price. Here is a good PSU for you.
Using the Corsair CX 650 $60 for my i5 2500k @ 4.2Ghz and Strix GTX1070 build without any issue for a year already . Bonus on being semi modular . Reckon you can get a lower wattage model (500W/550W) to save a little .
The Corsair cx 650 is a tier b, so it's even better. It is non-modular though so keep that in mind.
You could also get the cxm 550 if you want to save some money. This is only a 550w power supply, but that is more than enough for a 1070 and will still allow you to upgrade on the future. This one is a tier c, but it is cheaper.
I would spend the extra money and get a Corsair cx gray 650w
Always check the prices. The savings can be Knight and day.
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Thank you for making this build! I was wondering about your decision to choose 2 case fans instead of a cooler, is it due to the case itself?
I also made a few minor changes just due to pricing/availability from certain retailers, so I was wondering what you think of swapping the SSD for this one and using this power supply? Would that also work?
Evga br is a low end double forward dc-dc built by HEC with 85°C caps. It's fine for a 1650S, but completely out of the question for a rtx. Consider a corsair CX(650w here) at the minimum. It uses a modern llc resonant dc-dc platform, it's the highest quality budget unit around.
There's nothing wrong with the tomahawk max, but going for b550 gets you pci-e 4.0 and supposedly guarantees ryzen 4000 compatibility, but amd has stated support on b450 and msi states compatibility as well.
The ssd is dramless, since you have a m.2 slot and nvme prices are quite low, why not opt for a wd sn550. It's also dramless, but that doesn't matter as much for nvme then sata drives.
The seasonic S12III is a double forward dc-dc design, but it's built with budget components and is built by a low quality Chinese company Shenzhen Ruishengyuan Technology (RSY).
I'd recommend spending a bit more on a corsair CX, antec earthwatt gold pro, GF1, or focus gm.
I would get one of these:
cx500 is the old CWT design, it's really not good.
I'd give that bq a miss. The cx650 is a better budget option(newer design, way better the old CX).
If you were willing to go higher, a ion+, thermaltake GF1, seasonic focus GM/GX are all good options. (I'm personally eyeing the seasonic GM/GX in a few months XD)
just spotted this
Hey, I’m current deciding whether to get this or Looking from the amazon comments the thermaltake PSU has a lot of DOA while the Corsair PSU has good reviews on amazon, do guys think the $20 upgrade to get the CX650 will be better in order to avoid DOA from the thermaltake PSU.
I'd go with this myself.
By the way, how's this PSU?
sorry, forgot that one