I have this pair and they're great, very light. Just an FYI though, they came out with a new version of these a few years ago.
Budget - $100, but would prefer to spend less.
Source - galaxy s7, ipod classic, computer
Requirements for Isolation - prefer closed, but hate how much clamping force closed headphones have, so will take anything
Will you be using these Headphones in Public? - sometimes
Preferred Type of Headphone - full-sized/around the ear. I can't stand on-ear headphones and don't need IEMs.
Preferred tonal balance - what I buy will be my first pair of expensive-ish headphones, so I don't know much about this. balanced, I suppose? I do not need directional audio as much, I do not play competitive shooters, but it'd be cool to have. not if it breaks the bank though.
Past headphones - I have tried the ath-m50x and the clamping force was too much. even a short listening session would give me a headache.
Preferred Music - dreampop, indie pop, pop, video game music like final fantasy, rock, electronica, alternative. these headphones will also be used to listen to other audio besides music, such as podcasts and video games.
I have been looking at the ath-m40x, the ath-m50x, and the creative aurvana live! 2. my sister owns the m50x and I've tried them. as I said before, the clamping force hurt my head. I've read that a lot of people prefer the m40x's sound over the m50x? I would also not like to spend the extra money on the m50x. I've been looking at the CAL!2 simply because there is a lightning deal on Amazon for $65. the less money I spend the better. here's the link to the CAL!2 amazon listing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FC2R7ZC
Creative Aurvana Live! 2
I own a pair of the original Creative Aurvana Live! headphones (also available on Amazon for half the price). Good sound quality, fantastic sound stage. Great for gaming.
I love my Creative Aurvanas. I always had problems with this type of headphones, but these feels great even after longer period of time. :)
I personally use Creative Aurana Live! 2 with Asus Xonar DGX. That combo is very cheap and has insane quality and surround if properly configured. When it comes to audio never buy anything marked as "gaming".
Creative Aurvana Live! 2 (Around $60-$65): https://www.amazon.com/Creative-Aurvana-Headset-Drivers-Line/dp/B00FC2R7ZC/
Asus Xonar DGX (Around $40): https://www.amazon.com/Xonar-DGX-GX2-5-Audio-Engine/dp/B007TMZ1BK/
I don't recommend buying anything other than DG (PCI) or DGX (PCIe) since the software will be different and it might lack some options.
Better Cable (highly recommended): https://www.amazon.com/NewFantasia-Replacement-Upgrade-Sennheiser-Headphones/dp/B00KAKGQCQ/
The default cable is thin and only coated in rubber while the Sennheiser one is sleeved and very solid. It also delivers a better quality of sound.
Those products might look old and not gamer like but I have personally tried even $150 sound blaster ae-5 card and this $40 innocent looking card beat it hands down.
Can't tell you how many times I got called out for wallhack in CS:GO due to amazing surround depth and sound separation.
If you will decide on that I can even give you instructions on how to configure it. I'm using this combo for few years already.
They're pretty cheap on Amazon US.
Would you mind giving a link to somewhere price accurate so I can search for something? Price differences are pretty drastic.
Check out /r/headphones
This is my recommendation: Creative Aurvana Live! 2 Headset with 40mm Drivers and In-Line Mic (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FC2R7ZC/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_gTkvwbQHJ7D6T
The Creative Aurvana Live! 2 is a great choice for your music preferences: http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Aurvana-Headset-Drivers--Line/dp/B00FC2R7ZC/ref=sr_1_1?&ie=UTF8&qid=1438867501&sr=8-1&keywords=creative+aurvana+live+2
Perhaps the CAL! or CAL!2 if you want even more bass: http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Aurvana-Headset-Drivers--Line/dp/B00FC2R7ZC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1435591053&sr=8-2&keywords=creative+aurvana+live
Perhaps the CAL!2 if you want a nice booming bass: http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Aurvana-Headset-Drivers--Line/dp/B00FC2R7ZC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435159348&sr=8-1&keywords=creative+aurvana+live+2 Or the original if you want an overall more balanced sound: http://www.amazon.com/Creative-EF0060-Aurvana-Live-Headphones/dp/B000ZJZ7OA/ref=pd_sim_23_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=19BPAJ9PQ00X4RYJ0VMZ
Heck, the CAL!2s would be an improvement: http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Aurvana-Headset-Drivers--Line/dp/B00FC2R7ZC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435096424&sr=8-1&keywords=creative+aurvana+live+2