Omg, I didn't even look at your name. Even better.
Forget my earlier suggestion and just get these.
"Bite" the hubby when he does that and you should have him corrected in no time :)
I bought one of these so I can hand out candy while maintaining some social distance. We only maybe get 10 kids on Halloween in my neighborhood so I figure I'll sit outside and keep my mask on and see if anyone comes by.
> sharing the wiping tools they personally use.
Many use this to wipe
We’ll use these to hold you down from a distance!
Another bigot who thinks I can't do anything because of my arms
I apreciate the thought but I use these to help
Ha ha very funny, my arms are short very clever.
This! This is how I pick up objects.
You people are so closed-minded
Oh just because my arms are short in relation to my body size you think I can't preform basic tasks, Jesus man its 2022.
Creative Play: Green T-Rex Snapper
Definitely not alone, I’m right there with you! Lmao what a pickle. Time for one of those dinosaur grabber things lol
Can I send you a pair of these?