man, it never ceases to amaze me how mouthbreathing redpill/MRA debils can circlejerk themselves into such a frenzy that they lose all cognitive capacity to parse a situation with any semblance of logic or reason
the support is not for HER it is for THE CHILD
the only UNETHICAL part of this scenario is failing to pay for the care of the child HE PRODUCED. Just because other people can also pay for it DOES NOT mean HE gets to RELINQUISH that responsibility.
every single action that lead to him becoming a pOoR, sIcK GuY is his own doing.
THE CHILD whom he abandoned should not be BEARING THE COST of his SHITTY DECISIONS.
read this and if you still don't understand why a parent who willingly produced a child is required to pay for that child to live, then for the love of god, do not procreate.
Kul, kad vec dijelimo srecu, ja ti zelim da nekad u svom zivotu nadjes snage da procitas ovu (ili slicnu) knjigu. Mozda pomogne u smanjenju intelektualnog deficita, a samim time i smanji ovu hiperaktivnu zelju da okolo siris ono sto je u esenciji upotrebljeni tariguz :)
Agree with this – I studied philosophy with a lot of logic and I still had to look at LSAT materials because I wasn’t primed to notice the right things/use the right techniques.
But I really don’t think it could hurt to spend some time thinking more broadly about what makes a good argument (provided you have the time!). I’ve seen this book recommended. And this is a short, fun book about statistical reasoning, but only obliquely relevant to the LSAT as far as I remember.