Auto parts stores carry things like this so you can mount with however you like.
So, I guess it wobbles slightly but I wouldn’t say it’s a lot and I have no idea what it looks like when driving because well I can’t see it but I doubt it is flopping all around or anything. The one concern I have would be street parking. The plate bolts to the frame and the bolts stick out behind it. If you were to have someone back into it there’s probably a chance the bolts could get pushed back and into the bumper and could do some small damage if it happens. The good news is if it’s a concern you can just take the plate off when you park but obviously if someone backs into you you’re still gonna have a scratch most likely. Other than that it’s been great and when it comes time to wash the car it makes it easy to clean the front by just removing it. Do look into the backing for the plate though. I used something like this:
Cruiser Accessories 79150 Mounting Plate, Black
Maybe even the exact same one and then I put a black frame in front as well. Made the whole thing nice and solid. When I tried it with just the plate it was flimsy and the plate wasn’t totally straight.
What other's have said - 2 torx screws and then there is double sided tape on the top and bottom in straight horizontal lines. Use a pry to get started or if you want to take your time, use a heat gun and some floss/fishing line. (you can see the leftover residue in my pics below)
As for replacing it - I have a b9 as well and used this with the stock torx screws. Worked perfectly and also looks much slimmer behind the plate itself. You can use the stock mounting screws as well if you still have them to attach the plate to the mounting board.
Amazon link:
Picture of it in use:
Easiest way would be to add an aftermarket mounting plate
Hey guys, I finally got a RS grill. I think it turned out awesome. I also painted my brake calipers and installed a headlight reflector overlay too.
In case you're interested I got my grill from this guy. I did some research and couldn't find it anywhere else at this price. A friend of mine got his at ECS tuning and it feels like the same material.
It took me about 2 hours to install. I painted the crash bar with plastidip and I bought this to install my front plate. New wheels next.