Steven Levy wrote a great book on the modern history of cryptography in general but does cover some of the early ideas behind current crypto:
They've tried this in the states with the 'Clipper chip', IIRC it was a hardware encryption chip for use by the masses with an associated system of escrow so the gov could peak inside your communications. Recommended read if you're interested in crypo and privacy issues, I think I'll be giving my copy a re-read tonight.
Not sure when you were born but I'm reading Crypto by Steven Levy right now. Great read. Gives a really good history of the (American) guys that came up with public key encryption and it's distribution to the masses along with all the tension between the NSA and the Government over its development. Once you read it you will realize that we truly are in Cryptowars 2.0 right now. The same exact arguments used back then are being used now.
If you want a taste of his writing style this is a good read -
Here's the book by him -