Do you have the study guide? This is really the best resource to study for the exam, but CTS General is not that difficult. The hardest part of the exam was knowing which was the 'most' right answer.
This part frustrated me a little. Not enough to come close to not passing, but the wording of their questions and options for answers are not always what you would expect. Sometimes, depending on what industry you're in, the best practice differs, which leaves room for more than one right answer. They are looking for their definition of the answer, which you'll only find in the study guide or prep classes. There are some other process questions related to project management that are only in the study guide as well, but probably not enough to make you fail if you missed a few of them.
That being said, if you're solid on the practice exam, you should be alright. The General CTS exam just isn't that tough if you know your basics you should be able to pass. The study Guide (you can buy it on amazon - ) has a CD-ROM with a practice test that changes, unlike the InfoComm practice exam.
For CTS, I believe you are allowed 1 page of 'notes'? Bring along your Ohms law formulas if you need it, there's probably 5% on that alone. Spl/db calculations are good to know as well. Beyond that, it was MOSTLY common sense, at least enough to pass.
Good Luck! I got my CTS General and CTS-I back to back at InfoComm shows. For what it's worth, I DON'T recommend scheduling a CTS Exam at the Infocomm show in Vegas... That was no fun... Much better suited for Orlando where there's really not much else to do.. :P
its the latest PDF from avixa thats free that contains pretty much everything you would need for passing the CTS.
The updated exam guide (physical book) can be found here:
I've read this book a couple times in the last year and can pass the chapter quizes added up at like 90%.
I work in higher ed and have been doing AV work for a few years, but don't get much exposure to the project management side of things. I feel like most of it is easy enough and I can deduce a lot of answers through process of elimination.
I'm hoping that the book I read is a decent enough representation of the real test.
I'm moving in a couple months and really want to get this knocked out to add on my resume before applying for new jobs.
Edit: I forgot to ask, how much experience did you have when you took the test?