I bought the Curt #13382 from Amazon and did the install myself. I was NOT able to finagle the hitch into place without very slightly jacking up the car an inch or so on both sides, and I needed a second hand to help position the it.
The dealer quoted $365 for the Subaru OEM hitch, plus $437 for labor (crazy expensive). If I brought in the Curt hitch myself, it would just be $437 for labor. My local trusted mechanic quoted install cost as one hour of labor, or $80.
I have the 2018 Premium.
I’ve seen a lot of talk in message boards with discussions, here are some tips and specifics for this project:
Edit: added paint type, added car model, added Dremel tool detail
I have a Curt class 3 trailer hitch with 2” receiver. I ordered it on Amazon and installed myself.
I have the Curt Class 3 for my 2018 Premium, which is the same setup, and was what my dealership said they sell as the "OEM" hitch if you want it installed at purchase. I got it for $130 off Amazon. The hitch situation isn't as nice as the 2017 and prior models that had the ability for it to inset the bumper and it will unfortunately take away a few inches of ground clearance in the back unless you want to pay for something like the EcoHitch which will put you back around $400. I'm not sure I trust the durability of a hitch that has that many removable parts and stress points, but if you're just using it for a bike rack and you really care about that ground clearance then it may be worth the extra ~$250.
I tow a 4x6' utility trailer occasionally for home improvement store runs and moving large items around.
Here is exactly what I bought last year for mine, and I installed it myself with the help of my dad in around 45 minutes.
The wiring harness plugs in to the left rear wall of the cargo area under the plastics. I just run the cord out the hatch door with some slack and close the hatch and have had no issues.
I installed a hitch myself with help from my father in under 45 minutes. I got this Curt hitch for like $140 delivered:
I got this bike rack and it holds both my SO and I's bike just fine and the price is very good for the quality. There is a significant jump after the $100 bike racks. We have about 2k invested in two bikes and I wasn't really willing to spend 4-500 to get a thule or yakama bike rack when the amazon one does everything the cheaper one does.
These item below are mostly budget items and will keep you under $1,000.
Primitive Racing has a 3 piece skid plate. Engine, transmission, rear diff for around $5xx shipped. It's 3/16" aluminum and bolt on.
You can buy them all separately but they offer a 15% discount if you get all 3 at the same time.
I purchased a Curt Class 3 2" towing hitch on Amazon for $13x shipped
and a 2" shackle.
Front tug point
tow strap
mini shovel
traction boards
Tire related:
You want to be able to air down and air up on demand, and also have a spare for puntures / tears.
Deflator / Tire pressure:
Basic Toolkit:
Various zipties / duct tape / JB Weld
At least a gallon
Fuel can:
1-2 gallon for far expeditions