i'm 2-days post-op and this was my 2nd surgery -- in addition to all the prehahbing (working out your legs, getting full ROM, getting the swelling down), think about practically what will help after surgery when you're stuck in bed or at home:
for me, this has been a life saver -- also, i bought this table/bed desk and some natural recovery supplements.
Not sure what your snacks look like, but also helps to have a lot of snacks handy (but a lot of fruits and veggies, too!)
Good luck!
I don’t have any advice except that getting my loud snoring husband to sleep in the guest room made everything about nighttime much easier. I also bought this big wedge pillow so I could do feedings in bed comfortably. It might be something you could use to sleep upright with the baby on you in the mean time and be a bit more comfortable.
Cushy Form Bed Wedge Pillow - 1.5... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N2U7H5U?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share