You could buy purpose-made ones, from 5.11 and such, but honestly you could just as easy make your own out of something like this:\_1\_2?keywords=shock+cord+with+toggle&qid=1656452135&sprefix=shock+cord+with%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-2
I like boots. I hate bootlaces.
So I went on amazon and got some elastic cord and adjustable cinches, like this
I got to customize the length of my laces, and the clamps mean not only that I don't have to tie laces, but also that I can get a much more adjustable and customized fit.
Basically, I only have to do my laces once, and this solution is much cheaper than others out there if you have multiple shoes.
Take the edge that you want to be the cinched end, fold it over and sew it. Then run some sort of shock cord and run it through the channel you just sewed.