This book helped me improve with Reason a lot. The genre-specific sections are pretty dated now, but it is loaded with great advice on sound design, music theory, and mixing.
Dance Music Manual, Second Edition: Tools, Toys, and Techniques
Great book the I recommend to everyone starting out. Extremely comprehensive, also touches on the history and standard tropes of various genres, and is written in a very straightforward and easy to understand manner.
Youtube, and this book. The book will give you the theory, and youtube will tell you how to do it in Ableton.
Look up Mr. Bill and Tom Cosm. They both have a ton of awesome and free Ableton tutorials.
Whatever you do, though, don't get sucked in to paying for tutorials (exception: Tom Cosm). With a little bit of effort, you can find anything you need to know on Youtube.
Also, check out /r/edmproduction for general production tips.
No problem, it's actually really common for people to ditch the distinction since in electronic music so many producers also dj and they may even have "Dj" in their name.
For production, I think the best place to start is with tutorials on youtube and a DAW (Digital Audio workstation) which is just a software client for making music. Also, if you are near a bookstore, try going there and reading this It is a great guide, and very thorough, but it's a bit pricey so I recommend reading it at a bookstore before you consider buying it. A lot of production is just finding your own way and style, but it is hard to overestimate the value of a good resource when you are starting out.
Also, try some good subreddits. There is /r/synthesizers, /r/edmproduction, and /r/Wearethemusicmakers. All of them are really receptive to questions, I find. Starting out you will probably have lots of questions, so don't be afraid to ask.
I've been playing around with electronic music for years, but only started taking it really seriously the past year. I've read a lot of books, and honestly, NOTHING has been more helpful to me than The dance music manual.
Another text I found mildly helpful was Snoman's Dance Music Manual: I don't think its amazing, but there are some interesting analyses of specific types of EDM.
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