My favorite method is using a neck gaiter or whatever you may call it.
What I do is pull it onto my neck, flip my head and hair upside down, pull it down so it’s covering my hair, flip right side up, shimmy hair down so I can twist the end of the gaiter and tuck it under the front forehead part of the gaiter.
I’m looking for a picture; it’s less in depth than I’m making it seem.
This method keeps my curls intact and even adds volume!
you could try a tight unpadded sports bra paired with something like this :
and only come out if you feel safe and have a back up plan eg. have a friend whos parents know and are accepting and willing to let you stay at their house for a bit, also I recommend having a bag packed just incase. But i cannot stress enough that you need to use your best judgement. One thing that can help is giving them the science behind being trans.