Yay! It's a fun hobby and makes me feel super creative.
I would not recommend Michael's for tools. They are overpriced. There are a lot on Amazon. I got this set and it's only 5 bucks right now!
The clay kind of depends on what you want to make. I started out with a few Premo colored clays from Michaels. The vibrant color is nice. Now I use just a grey Super Sculpey and then paint over it after baking.
The fourth from the left at this link +alcohol. I use this same exact tool to scrape and clean every single situation like that. Have for about 3 years and I'm still on the same set. Would definitely recommend to save precious pieces you can sometimes get into to clean like that. https://www.amazon.com/Studio-71-Cleaning-Tool-Set/dp/B001ED3JMS/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=metal+clay+tools&qid=1603429045&sprefix=metal+clay+&sr=8-12
theres tools like these, but I pretty much only use an xacto knife and a blunt tip tool
Start with a mixed pack of clay (sculpy or fimo) instead of buying everything individually. Unless you're very specific on what your color pallette will be.
Cool, I'm new too. I used my hands for most of it. I have some bendy wire a little thinner than a paper clip (that I used inside this mini's rod, cuz I was afraid it might break otherwise) — I cut a piece a few inches long and used that to scratch some lines (on the rod, beard, hat, feather).
Which tool set did you get? I saw this super cheap one on Amazon, but you're right, it seems a bit large. I think I'd be happy with a pointy thing, small chisely shaper thing, and a loop of some sort. If you find a set you like, let me know!
Definitely look into some tools!
These are perfect start, especially for polymer clay
I'm guessing you're using super sculpey, right? Imo, that stuff gets a bit too sticky and it's quite hard to use for detailing.
This stuff is great, soft but won't stick to your hands. (Won't have to deal with leaving as much finger prints)
Since you're new to this I suggest really just making hard shapes and just playing with it, instead of trying to make perfect products right off the bat. Good luck!
I stated this thing in another comment but I'll share it with you too because you want to start out, just some hints.
Get a set of clay tools like THIS!
The second tool in this picture is the one I use for making wood grain, just scrape it down the "woods" length and then I use one of these to divvy up the "wood" surface into "planks".
I actually use that little wire brush for a lot of stuff! I used it on that fat leather bound book thats on the table also, I used it for making the pages of the paper, under the leather looking piece.
and for IRON I usually make a basic shape of the item and then bake it and carve the details afterwards because it gives it a not so organic hammered look I guess, when it has flat edges, and then paint it almost black and then with a really dry brush add silver or a grey.
In that case, get some clay tools, and keep your picks with them.