Dark Knight a True Batman Story is a book based on a real event that happened in the famous Batman author Paul Dini's life and how batman helped him get through a huge crisis. There is a lot of batman history involving random comics and the animated series that is really neat as well.
Basically Dini gets his ass beat really bad and the problem he faces at his job is that how does someone get inspiration to write about a hero who saves the innocent when he experienced what he did. This book will answer that.
It's surely not your average superhero crime fighting book but its a pretty quick read that is really well written. I couldn't put this down and I cant recommend this enough to anyone.
here is a amazon link https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Night-True-Batman-Story/dp/1401241433/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1469871215&sr=8-11&keywords=dark+knight
Paul Dini wrote an autobiographical graphic novel that in part includes his creation of Harley for Batman the animated series. Really cool story.
Dark Night: A True Batman Story https://www.amazon.com/dp/1401241433/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_93A1SF3K5NPWJDPM09K9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I received an informal complaint about a graphic novel recently. We're testing out interfiling graphic nonfiction with the regular nonfiction to try and up circs, and that includes this book, which is in the biography section. A patron recently complained to the reference desk that he is an ardent Batman fan and that book belongs with the other Batman books where he can browse them all better.
First of all, excellent book, anyone interested should totally read it. Second, it is an autobiographical account of a man being assaulted during a mugging and having his face bashed in, and Batman (along with all his villain pals) is a coping mechanism for the author as he attempts to come to terms with what happened to him. So the graphic novel is quite graphic, and doesn't belong in the teen section with "all the other Batman books" (we also have some--The Killing Joke being one--in adult graphic and the NF art section). It also doesn't belong with the adult graphic novels since it's nonfiction. Dark Night has circed four times since its move to bio, and it hadn't circed at all while it was tacked onto the end of the adult graphic novels. Soooo Dark Night is staying where it is. Sorry pal.
I picked up Dark Knight: A True Batman Story by Paul Dini. This was a damn good read. I highly suggest you buy it. More so, if you grew up watching the Animated Series and Mask of the Phantasm.
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Paul Dini has an upcoming book out titled Dark Night: A True Batman Story that tells about that incident.