You may need to click read more to see it all in the blurb, but and then just go to the next volume. It's basically issue 1 for a while, but it starts to get messy aroung volume 7 when Wolverine launches and Excalibur 7 and 8 should be read together.
After the minis House of X and Powers of X. Six brand new series were launched: X-men, Marauders, Excalibur, X-Force and Fallen Angels.
This is a collection of the #1 issues of all of the Dawn of X series; Includes X-men #1, Marauders #1, Excalibur #1, X-Force #1 and Fallen Angels #1. All of the Dawn of X trades are this way, collectimg all of the Dawn of X per issues.
And then there's this which only collects X-men, the series by Lenil Yu and Jonathan Hickman. It collects issues of X-men from #1 to #6.
If you want to read the spinoffs, you'll want to get the Dawn of X collections, which include all the relevant X-books that follow HoX/PoX.
Dawn of X sprang from HoXPoX. It collects all the titles following it through over a dozen volumes.
Dawn of X Vol. 1
Ok, this is more confusing, what's the difference between this:
and this: