Not a half helmet, but I sport this Captain America open face. It's comfy AF. Here's a pic:
I rock the Daytona Captain America, had one that saved my life back in the 70's & I wear it as a tribute. Pic:
A $20 helmet saved my life when I was a kid back in the 70's. I'm rocking a newer version of it now - the Daytona Captain America - I also have a couple of expensive Shoei's but I wear the Captain America most often.
I wear a Captain America helmet, not an XXL though.
World's Smallest and Lightest SOA Beanie Helmet - personally, I rock a Captain America helmet. Same helmet I wore back in the 70's & it saved my life back in the day.
Captain America - same helmet I wore when I was a kid back in the 70's. Pic before you click:
Captain America bro.
I rock a Captain America - pic: I also have a windscreen.
Captain America FTW. Same helmet I wore when I was a kid in the 70's, it saved my life back in the day. Pic b4 u click:
I recommend the Captain America helmet. Wore it when I was a kid [it saved my life!!!] and I wear it today.