Dead Mountain. Non fiction about a dozen student hikers that disappeared in the mountains in Russia in 1959. On the edge of my seat true story. 1.99 on Kindle. So good. was a pretty good read about this. I'm inclined to believe this theory, that there was some sort natural phenomenon on the mountain that caused them to panic and experience confusion. Possibly a Karman Vortex
Maybe because I'm not claiming anything other than that you're delusional and don't know what you're talking about?? Which is easily proveable by reading literally any credible information about the incident? Even the Wikipedia article indicates that this theory is nothing more than conspiracist nonsense, FFS. There's also this BBC article, and this book by Donnie Eichar, and this Forbes article, not to mention the hikers' own records of the expedition up until their deaths. And then there's the fact that Zolotaryov only joined the expedition in the first place because his original plans to go skiing with another group had fallen through at the last minute. And the fact that the other nine hikers' sole motivation for this specific climb was to acquire their Grade III hiking certifications upon their return. None of them had any reason, interest in, or motivation to purposefully pursue a Soviet military testing site just for... what? Shits and giggles? Bragging rights? Literally none of your theory makes any sense when propped up next to the actual definitive facts.
Also, funny how you not writing a book on it here means you can't answer even a single one of the questions I posed in the context of parachute mines. Almost like all of the "evidence" you have for your claim is literally just, "One of them used to be in the Soviet military".
Read this/ It is a great book. And it talks of all the theories posted.
I read Dead Mountain by Donnie Eichar a few months ago, very interesting book with a very plausible explanation of this incident. (Not sure if I should spill deets?)