Please read this: Dear Reader. Infants are starving to death. The country is one big prison. Horrific labor camps. Punishments handed down to distant family.
>They aren’t all starving, in the 90s there were shortages due to bad harvest
Dude, read some history. They couldn't farm because they had no fuel. Kim Jong Il was offered help from the many other countries. He turned it down because he know that if the populace knew that he wasn't the one protecting them and feeding them, they would kill him.
He chose to let millions starve to death to protect his power.
Ask Micheal Malice
Video linked by /u/holston5:
Title | Channel | Published | Duration | Likes | Total Views |
The Horrible Truth About North Korea | Michael Malice and Stefan Molyneux | Stefan Molyneux | 2017-04-25 | 1:08:23 | 5,258+ (92%) | 287,480 |
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