Why do you want me to comment on this? Black women face the same out-marriage disparity that Asian men do. So some black women just think having any other option other than black men is positive. This is especially true for black women who had abusive fathers--the out-marriage disparity is fertile ground for abuse, since black men have more options in society than black women. There is a coffee table book that was popular in the 2000s called "Death Scenes": https://www.amazon.com/Death-Scenes-Homicide-Detectives-Scrapbook/dp/0922915296
It's a collection of murder photographs by an LAPD homicide detective (I want to say mid-twentieth century but not sure). You'd think there would be proportional race/gender here, but no. Literally like half of the victims are black women who were stabbed to death or disemboweled just for trying to have some kind of life.
The other side of BF is to cling as hard as possible to black identity as a means of survival. It doesn't matter that 70% of black households now are single parent households and that BF don't even expect their men to stick around. They work their asses of to get decent paying jobs as nurses or teachers or office administrators hoping that they can buy enough comfort to get a man be interested in them long enough to impregnate them and the child will give them some kind of meaning in life. If the father comes around once in a while and pays a bill, that's a good man.
I'll rephrase: their generation as a culture did not have tattoos with the same prevalence as people in our era.
I phrased it poorly.
In fact I was just just looking at old-ass tattoos of some dude who was arrested in Hank's time in that book Death Scene's- A homicide detective's scrapbook. The whole thing is pictures he collected of gore, crime scenes, criminals, etc.
Thank you! Found this on Amazon Canada, I'm pretty sure it's available elsewhere as well:
> Death Scenes: A Homicide Detectives Scrapbook
And, here is another one, specific to LA, if the first one isn't the right one.
The link for the NY book is the front page of the Amazon search results because they not only have this book, the also have ones specific to a few boroughs...
Most likely you mean this. Cheers.
Check out this book. Someone gave it to me for my birthday a few years back. I have since passed it on.
Death Scenes: A Homicide Detective's Scrapbook https://www.amazon.com/dp/0922915296/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_btfpFb0F3HM60
Took me a bit to realize that was a knife and not some nose piercing decoration.
I guess I'm a little desensitized to this sort of thing. This was my coffee table book in college. I can look at the aftermath but not it happening. THank god that book was in black and white, too.