There's a popular book out there called Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity by Fr. Chad Ripperger who is the exorcist of... Denver, Colorado I believe? 5 stars at nearly 2700 reviews. Seems good.
Do not attempt exorcisms unless you have the ministry of exorcist conferred upon you.
I believe it's still technically possible for laity to have the ministry of exorcist conferred upon them, but it hasn't really been done ever since the a good time before Vatican II, when it started falling out of use because most men who were instituted into the minor order of exorcists were becoming priests anyways so it was seen as somewhat obsolete.
If the ministries of altar server and even lector, reading from a book, require instruction... then how much more will dealing with evil spirits?
I am so sorry this happened to you.
Please know that the mistake/sin of someone else does not define you.
If you were falsely accused, the charges are just that: false. Remind yourself of this.
Christ was also falsely accused. So your Lord and Master goes before you. No servant is above his master. Offer your sufferings to Jesus.
Please start saying the Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity by Father Ripperger. You are under spiritual attack right now and must fight.
Saying a prayer for you.
In my whole entire life, I've only known of 1 warlock and 1 witch, who merely through the simple connection of a text message to another individual, can know everything about that person so I make it a point never to answer messages directly.
There are three types of magic witches practice: black, red, and white. Black magic is a whole new level. Its darker, deadlier, and vengeful. Usually the solo witches only practice red and white magic. The ones in the coven will practice all three but with an emphasis on the black magic.
When I refer to a coven, I do not mean those lame wannabe covens on facebook that meet, have drinks, and do spells together. When I refer to a coven, I refer to a hierarchy, organized like a corporation. There is a schedule for black mass, a schedule for holding Dark Vigils, there is a team dedicate to recruiting, spiritual attacks, prayer teams dedicated to consecrating cities etc. These covens are all connected. So the covens in Florida will be in talks with the Covens in New York. It's very organized.
When someone tells you that there have been involved in a sexual rite or they made a blood pact, you can be sure you're dealing with a coven member. It is always prudent to suggest anyone in the occult to see a Priest for help.
You have to be careful how you intercede for those in the occult, particularly those in the coven.
Mistakenly over-stepping your spiritual authority can be harmful. If you say: "In the name of Jesus, I command the demon of ....." to someone you have spiritual authority over (like parents, children, wife/husband) then you will not open yourself to retaliation. But if you use these words for a stranger, you will be placed on the demons hit list and they will wait for an opportune time to retaliate.
For strangers, you need to correctly pray "Jesus, I ask thee to ....etc"
There is a hierarchy of demons and the higher ones especially those of the covens are very vengeful. I've received death threats from little 6- year-olds telling me "You're going to get killed by the monster. He hates you" for merely giving a St. Benedict Crucifix and recommending that the parent hang it up in the child's room and for them to see a priest. Most other threats will come in the form of growls, and voices at night as a warning.
You should look at the warning as a blessing and observe the fruit from it. That 1) your prayers are working and that 2) it is a reminder that it is God and not you that is able to combat these things.
One of the biggest mistakes those in the Catholic Deliverance Ministry or those who intercede for those in the coven or satanic groups make is that they forget to pray for protection for their family.
You may have a devoted life and observe the sacraments so they can't harm you but you can bet that they will come after your immediate family (Parents, Children, Spouse) and will let you know the next time you intercede for someone who is possessed. So if you''re going to intercede, make sure you pray for your family members protection as well.
If you accidentally over-step your spiritual authority boundary, then it is prudent to confess during the Sacrament of Reconciliation that you have over stepped your spiritual authority. In addition, the prayers on page 37 (Prayers Against Retaliation) if Father Ripper's book is helpful.
Remember, at least monthly confessions (I consider monthly confessions my monthly mini exorcisms), the rosary, and the Holy mass.