I hope I don’t jinx myself lol. I’ve had this one for few years now.
Delta Cycle Leonardo Da Vinci Single Bike Storage Rack Hook Hanger for Vertical Indoor Garage https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MX88A4SW17MNF1Y3HTFX?psc=1
My poor spatial skills and no engineering abilities is your gain!
I'm selling 2 Delta single bike wall mount rack with tray. $30 for the pair. Holds up to 40 lbs and tire widths up to 2.5". Solid equipment. I bought these on Amazon this spring and it didn't work out in my space and then I forgot to return them on time. I've opened 1 of them to install it and figured out my mistakes.
Here's the Amazon original link- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_NDECFbBS52NHK
Is it okay to store a bicycle vertically? I just bought a Giant Toughroad and the manual says I should not store it vertically.
Is something like this bad? https://www.amazon.com/Delta-Cycle-Leonardo-Single-Storage/dp/B000FGTTEW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1517526368&sr=8-4&keywords=vertical+bike+rack
It won't even hang, I plan to have the back wheel resting on the ground.
I also wonder why people lock-up their bikes outside. However, you should def look into getting this bike rack
I got it and really saves a lot of space.
I only have 1 bike, and no pics at the moment, but I use this as vertical is the best way to make use of space in my apartment
It's this guy. Works great, super sturdy construction, just make sure you are installing it in a wall stud.
This sucks, really sorry. Best bet is to move on emotionally, sooner the better, bikes are very, very rarely ever recovered. Do you have room inside your house? It's a much bigger deterrent for someone to enter a home, than it is to slip onto a porch. Maybe hang some bike hooks?
FYI - Here are the same hooks on Amazon (I think), retailing for $14.99
Bike holder - Delta Cycle Leonardo Da Vinci... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share. NewAge pro cabinets in platinum.
Little nook in my office served as the perfect spot to keep the bike out of the way. It's a $17 hook from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FGTTEW/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have extremely limited space in a NYC apartment for 2 (likely going on 3) bikes. A vertical hanger like this fits well in nooks and crannies: Delta Cycle Leonardo Da Vinci... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I'm a fan of this style of rack. We had one to mount my kid's bike on a high wall we had in our townhouse, and are now using a couple of these in the garage to mount bikes, including one folding bike.
The new bike rack is this one Delta Cycle Leonardo Da Vinci... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
The old frame support rack was Racor HFB-2R horizontal folding rack.
I'm using one of those. I have a it holding on to a 2.5" Minion DHF. Works great, I didn't trust those anchors and mounted to a stud.
This is the exact model I got:
The hook says it can support up to 40lbs. Bike should be fine but yeah this is the hook...
I use a bunch of these, work great, easy install, $15
Have this on the corner of my dining area/kitchen. Make sure you have it in a stud. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_LrmnFbJDXAVP4 I'm a millennial, I don't own a dining table.
Yeah! I used this mount
I have the same one from Amazon!
Delta Cycle Leonardo Da Vinci Single Bike Storage Rack Hook Hanger for Vertical Indoor Garage https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6SLuFbY52GX04
The nipplers are the inverted style, similar to those on Enve rims ( https://nsmb.com/media/images/ENVE_Spoke_Holes.original.jpg ) and do indeed load against the backside of the aero shape of the rim.
I do agree with not hanging most carbon rims from typical metal hooks in general and I wouldn't dispute that - it's a very high load against a concentrated area. Also, a typical vinyl coated garage hook like you'd get at Home Depot has a pretty tight curve in the hooked end that can make it tough to get a deeper wheel onto the hook. Also, the tip of the hook can press directly into the side of the rim as you hang/unhang a bike from it, which can definitely cause damage to a carbon rim. For that reason, I've always used the big wide rubber-padded hooks like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Delta-Cycle-Leonardo-Storage-Vertical/dp/B000FGTTEW and I have never had an issue with Enve, Zipp, or Bontrager carbon rims.
Seconded, we use these at my job and they work very well.
It's not freestanding, but I use this wall mount in my apartment and it works quite well. No handy skills required--just find a stud and screw it in.
I used these wall-mounted hangers when I was in a small apartment. They held three bikes pretty well. Here they are, there's a pretty wide assortment of tires reepresented here (26x2.3, 29x2.4, 27.5x2.8), my LBS uses them for storing a crapload of bikes in one of their back rooms.