Jessie Ventura wrote a book a while ago called "DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans, no more gangs in government"
It talks about this exact problem. It's a good short read.
Former Minnesota governor and dude from Predator and The Running Man calls them DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans gangs.
Getting rid of Trump will not remove the real issue behind our corrupt political system. It will still remain if Biden wins. The two party stranglehold will continue with their corruption and the polarizing will continue for both parties to work against each other instead of together. Our founding fathers didn't want political parties to exist since they knew this end result of gridlock would occur. You can read all bout this in Jesse's book:
Ted Cruz has the lowest possible standard to be a natural born American citizen. His father was Cuban, his mother was Canadian(she emigrated to Canada from the United States, and may have renounced her US citizenship at the time). He was born in Canada. But his excuse was she was a US citizen at some point... He's not the best candidate for many reasons. I would never vote for an evangelical. He has doesn't have much of a horse in the birthirism game. He's unelectable in many regards.
Birthirism came up as Projection
John McCain was born in Panama, but the federal definition of A Native Born person includes those born to American parents. He was also born on US military property conveniently. It could be brought up that he was born in Panama, but any criticism about his birth doesn't hold up.
Obama was born in Hawaii to one American Parent. His birth announcement was in the newspaper. He was never some Manchurian candidate. He was an average president. He was George HW Bush with a (D) in front of his name. Any questions about his Birthplace have been thoroughly debunked. Trump even changed his mind about it when it was politically expedient even though that was the thing that thrust him into politics as a recognizable force. Trump is all American. I got no problems with his birth. But that is not even the point dude. Again your circling around into the Democrat vs Republican narrative. I'm not a democrat. Again, this isn't a team sport.
See that article. That article is HYPERBOLE.
The point was Obama was constantly criticized. His Wife was constantly criticized. They were compared to monkeys regularly. They were called "arrogant" "elitists" blah blah blah. It went on for 8 years. Trump still brings him up to bash him. Trump is no more criticized than any other president. Being criticized as a president is normal.
The problem is unlike presidents like Bush or Obama he doesn't seem to understand that his actions are under a microscope and he's acting really damn guilty. It was never proven that Nixon had anything to do with Watergate, but his actions to try to stop the scandal were worse than the crime. In Trump's case had he just left it alone the FBI would most likely of moved on by now. He's playing the game like someone that has something to hide. That doesn't mean that he does. That just means that's his current play style. I would rather have had Trump not talk about it publicly, and not acted on it, and let the nation move on. But he has a COMPULSION PROBLEM.
As far as the do know I was quoting your dear leader in most of those cases? I never heard Mitt Romney say he just "grabs women by the pussies". Not while he's married. Trump is the one lowering the bar here. The worse thing Mitt Romney said was he had "binders full of women", and about "47%". Both were things that seemed to be enough to take him down politically. My opinion of Romney? He's a good guy. He's rich and occasionally sticks his foot in his mouth, but in most other cases he's pretty decent. He's Rich and I don't hate him. There was a lot of criticism about the car elevator he had in his house. What most people don't know was that it was for his wife who was having walking problems after chemotherapy for her cancer.
If Mitt Romney would have ran against Hillary Clinton I would have voted Mitt Romney. In a lot of ways those two are similar, but Mitt Romney is a little better. But party politics are stupid as shit, and just because he ran and lost in the last election he didn't have the political capital to run again. Even though as a pedigree he was better than every single one of the Republican primary candidates. I'm sure if he had sat out the 2012 election he would have won this election hands down. No political contender has ever won an election against an incumbent president involved in a war. But at least Romney had the balls to try. Teflon Don seems to be immune to gaffes even if his gaffes look like Godzilla in comparison to other opponents gaffes.
"I heard the Trump haters would vote for a dead racoon as long as it had a (D) after its name. "
A dead raccoon would be an improvement at this point. I can't see a dead raccoon waking up at 4 in the morning just to tweet insults at Rosie O'Donnell. The (D) next to his name is irrelevant. I'd prefer an independent dead racoon. What I would really like to know: who is this dead raccoon's running mate?
"Where did you spend your military service?"
I signed up for selective service. You're still required to do that. If they need me, they can have me. Though, I was never interested in that lifestyle. I have the luxury where it is optional. That could change, and could change soon given the NK situation. If I had joined the pay would have been great. Much better than what I get now. We have a volunteer military service now. Everyone in now is there because they want to be. Which is fantastic. I'm too old now. I'm not too interested in having bosses. It's better to be a boss than have a boss. My dad was in the Air Force. My brother is in the Air Force. It's a mixed bag of a job. It has pros and has cons. I don't have any pretenses or illusions about the military. Still, Vets should not use the honor of military service to subjugate non enlisted people. And it is also a bit hypocritical to condemn punching Nazis here and champion murdering Commies over in Vietnam. There isn't anything wrong with not serving, unless there is a draft. If there is a draft and your able to manage some way out then you better have a good excuse.
You're trying to lump me in with these groups. As I said. It's better that these things stay in comics and movies. It's sad that the Democrips and Rebloodlican's have devolved into gang warfare. I love the freedom of PEACEFUL assembly, but don't you think what the two of us are doing is a whole lot better than what all those assholes are doing? Assembly is a right, and no right should ever be taken away. I have to say however, these assholes look like idiots running around waving Nazi and Confederate LOSER flags, or Antifa dressing all in black and wearing masks? You could stand outside doing all this shit in the middle of summer, or you can stay at home in the nice air conditioning and communicate on a forum.