This. Used and tested. We put an hour on the clock for everyone, paused for combat and questions, and made people flip it to next player when done.
We did create a penalty but no one encountered it. Everyone used 30-40 minutes of their time and we finished a 6p with 3 inexperienced players in 6 hours.
The colours also match up to the TI colours, with the exception of white, which has a purple swirl to match with purple.
We are gonna use it every game from on :)
I'm in the same group as /u/Cloak_and_Dagger42 and we have the DGT cube timer... I'm assuming that is the one you got? Here's the link:
Ours does not have an audible beep at all (I don't think it does) I know it has a few different modes but we use it to just count up instead of a count down style timer.... it's function is simply to count the time that a team controls the point or "hill".
Another timer that we use has the responsibility of beeping when the match is over (a kitchen timer that we set to 15 minutes for King of the Hill)
The DGT Timer Cube was the gold standard for the longest time and had an impressive combination of customizability and ease of use (e.g. turn the cube to your player colour to start your turn). Unfortunately it appears to have lapsed without an obvious replacement.
I did a search for multiplayer chess clock, and found this one recommended on an old /r/boardgames thread.
Looks like it is a cube, that runs a time for whichever side/color is facing up at the time. So you just flip it to the next players color when a turn is completed. Not quite as discrete as a clock with a multiplayer/lap button like you described, but it's a step in the right direction.
But I second some others' suggestion, that confronting someone with hard data should be done after* mentioning the issue to them previously. It would seem harsh to me, if I were being slow and was presented with collected data on my issue before I knew anyone had a problem with it. This cube, could be used publicly in the group which would be better than a secret timer mechanism.
update: I see /u/misskinky already mentioned it. Sorry for the redundancy.
I use a DGT game timer for my games unless someone is a newbie. I have this timer for board games where people I play with suffer from analysis paralysis and it really helps keep people focused. It also just happens to work with blood bowl.
We also use Illegal Procedure and after getting popped for it , most people quickly learn. I cant imagine playing in a league that does not. The games would be completely lopsided in the amount of time one player gets.
These are the timers we use and as for why we have a respawn timer, it's because the field is so small that without a timer there would be far less of an impact when a player is tagged out.
On the topic of different kinds of cover, I like the idea, the issue is having all of that cover be easy to put together and break down. One of the goals is that anyone can put together simple cover and find a field to run these games in. Thanks for the input :)
>One guy at my group is really bad about that, but he usually wins.
In some ways, it's a tragedy of the commons. If you all played like that, you'd score higher, but games would take 4x as long.
There is always
Maybe this one?
Puerto Rico has an official Playing time 90-150 Minutes.
Some years ago when I was writing my Master Theses we played 3-player games of PR in our Lunch break. On it took us about 30 Minutes.
Just saying ... gaming time depends A LOT from a whole bunch of factors:
- game group experience
- experience with the game
- how focused is everybody on the game
- number of AP prone players
- distractiveness of environment
- slow or fast strategies getting played
Some games - especially those without a fixed player order - really benefit from a device like DGTs cube (Amazon link).
Some players really need the "pressure of the clock" to make their decision in 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes
Some players benefit from anything being put in front of them (in this case the cube with their player colour face up) by being woken up from their daydreaming / longterm strategy planning / chit chat. You know - those guys always asking "Who's turn is it anyway?" When the answer is "Yours - since several minutes..."
Also for some it's healthy to see in the end of the game that "that slow player" in fact took 2 minutes less than themselves...
Yes, it's a cube that's in its stand. When it is on the stand with no side up, it is paused.
This is the Amazon link with some better pictures:
The best rule for distracted play or those who feel AP is too much a problem is the DGT Timer Cube or any other application that replicates its features. My preferred style of timing is to figure out how long the game should take, divide it up by the number of players to get their total time, divide it up by their expected time per "round" of play, then set the timer for that with carry over. (Example: you get 5 minutes per turn over a 6 turn game, for a total of 30 minutes per player and 2 hours for a 4 player game. Your first turn is limited to 5 minutes, but any unspent time is "saved" and you get to add it to later turns. Take five 3 minute turns and you get 15 minutes for your last turn.)
Other options are cooperative or competitive games with real time elements - timers and apps - to keep people focused.
One guy I played with a long time ago had his own novel solution: as long as you don't get caught, cheating is legal; but once caught, you forfeit the game gracefully. Once I caught him cheating and later my friend informed me of his policy, I chose never to play with him again. However, if you want a system that keeps you alert, nothing like having to make sure no one else is swapping your pieces or stealing from the bank! (Yeah, I don't recommend this system.)
Also, hey, if someone is having fun taking a 10 minute turn and I have time to burn, I don't care - but if I knew my planned move at the end of my last turn, don't require me to stay focused especially in a "multiplayer solitaire" styled euro game. I do pay half attention, but sometimes it can be boring waiting. Yeah, yeah, I've grown impatient - I blame the new fancy fangled Internet and the Amazon Prime rapid delivery. I don't like waiting a week for packages anymore when I used to not mind 6-8 weeks, and I don't like mailing in bills 3 weeks early because I can pay instantly online (but not unsubscribe to spam mailing lists without waiting a week for some reason)... and while I used to wait 30-60 minutes for my turn to come around in a 16 player game of Talisman 2nd Edition with all expansions, I don't really like doing that anymore; but at least back then we could socialize, eat, play a different game, and so on in the down time without everyone getting all upset.
My mate has a timer cube thatt's a bit like this:,down%20the%20time%20per%20move.
You rotate it to start and stop the timer (or at least that's how my mates works)
expensive but worth every penny!
probably this one (most famous one I think) but it's pretty expensive
if you don't care about precision/fine with a pre-set timer, this one will probably do fine as well
Works for up to 6 people, can count down or up.
u/jangular has a video on the DGT Cube
Most Asked Question? | DGT Cube Timer
Though I'm not sure how well this fits your game/description.
I would love to try this:
If only I could get a game group to use it.
I suggest the game of Cube counter
Lots of people lose time when on their turn. They are unaware. Countdown/countup clocks exist which I think are pretty useful to show cumulative turn time.
/u/galorin hit the nail on the head: you are in the compulsive hoarding stage.
I had a bunch of blasters at one point but culled several of them out due to lack of battle-effectiveness. Less is more. If you want to focus on building a kit for super stock nerf wars, then check out my kit. Now I have one big rubber-made tub that fits the following:
1) 7kg Rampage with pump action installed and a few copies of that same blaster to give out as loaners.
2) Cycloneshock rebarreled to shoot elite-sized darts to use in pistol-only rounds.
3) Tuned-up Rapidstrike (3s Lipo rewire by NoBaCoN) for when I want to run a "serious" super stock flywheel-blaster.
4) Magazines, many pairs of safety glasses, a DGT cube timer, and other misc. war essentials organized into a smaller box.
5) 1000 Koosh darts (generation #3) to get a party started right.
We use the DGT Cube timer (about $50.00 USD) because we have played with 4-5 teams before.
If you know you are not going to have more than 4 teams you can get the DGT Pyramid timer (about $35 USD) and save some money.
If you are only going to run 2 teams then just get a $20 USD Chess timer and some coloured tape to mark which paddle side is what team colour.