Salt that has been made to kosher standards and non-iodized. Diamond Crystal is usually what I use:\_df\_B0011BPMUK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=242043030412&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1626220221933050137&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvde...
I swear I've seen it in the store and owned it...maybe I dreamed it. But the last time I bought kosher salt, nothing. And even the kosher was ridiculously thin on the ground, like there were a couple containers of it and then SHELVES of a million other brands of table salt, seasoned salt, pink salt, salt alternative, sea salt, saltless salt, extra salty salt (now with more salt!)...but like, very little basic kosher.
FWIW, Diamond is on Amazon.
>Some claim
I didn't know people really disagreed on this, 50% of taste is smell, iodized salt clearly smells different so it's going to taste different too. Also I'm pretty sure they add anti caking agents to make it come out of salt shakers better.
At my grocery store Kosher salt is the exact same price, and what virtually every chef uses. Personally I use diamond crystal which $10 for 3 lbs on amazon, which is cheaper than the same amount of Morton iodized.
Do not use table salt for recipes. It has more chemicals in it and a bitter taste, and it's easier to oversalt.
Use Kosher salt. Milder and smoother flavor. Much easier to measure. Harder to oversalt.
This is the single greatest cooking tip.
Read through some of the reviews at\_1\_2\_f3\_0o\_wf?crid=B0T6SVT92D4Y&keywords=diamond+crystal&qid=1656512379&sprefix=diamond+crystal%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-2#customerReviews
Are you using table salt? If so, this Kosher salt will change your kitchen. Table salt is easy to oversalt. There's not much margain. This Kosher salt has a wide margin between too little and too much. Plus it's makes every thing taste better, smoother, without that table salt astringent "bite."
Some people have said it's like rock salt but that's not true. It's basically a bit coarser than table salt but not as coarse as something like Maldon salt. I actually just ended up ordering some from Amazon
If you're in America (/cooking from recipes written primarily for American audiences) then Diamond Kosher is really the only salt for cooking. It's what most professionally written recipes are calibrated to, and deviating from this while using the same volumetric amount of salt can drastically affect your dish.
In addition, it's nice to have a couple "finishing" salts. These are larger, flakier salts with fun texture that are good to throw on right before serving/eating. Maldon is my favorite, and I've heard good things about Jacobsen as well. Himalayan salt looks pretty but that's about it in my book.
Diamond Crystal Kosher salt
16 Mesh black pepper
2 parts pepper to 1 part salt. I also add 1 part Coarse ground garlic and 1/2 part MSG for some extra kick.
I am a huge fan of diamond crystal sea salt, also recommended by Saimin Nosrat the chef behind the cookbook Slat Fat Acid Heat - a great primer for cooking.
Diamond crystal sea salt I leave in a salt bowl by my stove and use it for everything. If you have an even marginally well rounded diet, you don't need iodized salt.
You can get kosher salt in the UK, just not off the shelf in supermarkets. You can order it online. I use Diamond Crystal Pure & Natural Kosher Salt from Amazon.
Most grocery stores near me carry it but I order most pantry ingredients from Amazon anymore: 3# box for $10 or 3 boxes for $20.
$11 on Amazon. Ship to whole foods.
Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt, 48 Ounce (Pack of 1)
Sodium is salt, so you don't need tablets for that.
For magnesium, I typically take about 125mg with each meal and 500mg before bed as a sleep aid.
For potassium, I typically take 100mg with each meal and right before bed.
For sodium, I just season my food liberally and add a sprinkle of salt to each beverage throughout the day.
Your needs may vary depending on your level of physical activity, diet, and body composition.
Am besten ist koshering salt, z.B. das hier