Life is all about tradeoffs.
Work and friends are in a major metro city in India.
I was in a similar situation a few years ago and decided to bite the bullet. Things worked out after a bit of a turbulence. Check out my successful Return2India story in a chapter in my book - Diary of a Successful Loser DM if you have questions after reading :-)
The key question to think about: 15-20 years from now, when you look back on the decision, will you have any regrets?! That should be your true-north.
Life is all about tradeoffs. I was in a similar situation a few years ago and decided to bite the bullet. Things worked out after a bit of a turbulence.
Check out my successful R2I story in a chapter in my book (Diary of a Successful Loser). DM if you have questions after reading :-)
Here's a bit of Self-promo about
Summary: A stealth-help book with life stories that will leave you inspired.
What's stealth-help? A mix of memoir and self-help genera, stealth help uses a person's experience to inspire readers to better their lives or themselves.
This book is targeted at those looking for real-life inputs but find typical self-help books - with preachy quotes and advice off-putting.
Blurb: All of us are successful losers – Losers because of the setbacks. Successful because we have overcome setbacks, loss and failures.
In this stealth-help book, the author narrates notable failures and setbacks that have been part of his life journey in ways that he didn’t anticipate. These stories hold a mirror to typical experiences that we are likely to encounter in a life journey
- Bullying, teasing and jibes
- Setbacks that reshape one's career - What happens if one decides not to pursue a 'government career' after clearing UPSC?
- Breakup of a relationship or a divorce - The author was briefly married to a senior IAS officer's daughter. He narrates the ups-downs and moving forward after a divorce
- Loss of a loved one
Difference of opinion with a boss or colleague
These chapters in a life story, when stacked on top of one other make for a memorable layered cake. These stories reflect many of the common rants and raves on r/India
The Book is available as a free KU download.
A month after publishing my book "<strong>Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag</strong>", the book has 52 ratings and 20+ reviews.
I have written this as a Stealth help book. Stealth help book do what self-help books do - inspire and motivate - while they may not make you cringe or gag. A mix of memoir and self-help genera, stealth help uses a person's experience to inspire readers to better their lives or themselves.
The book is listed FREE on KindleUnlimited. DM me if you don't have a KU and wish to have a review copy
Title - Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag
Genre - Non Fiction
Word count - 25,000
Seeking reviews - This is an attempt at 'Stealth Help' genera where I share my life stories and lessons.
A link to the writing - Available as a Kindle Unlimited (link). Message me for a review copy if you don't have KU
OP, welcome to the "Indian Indie Authors club" ... has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Having written my book Diary of a Successful Loser I can empathize with your need to reach out to readers.
A few questions for you
How does webnovel work?
How different is it from Kindle publishing?
Do they publicize your work ?
Summary: A stealth-help book with life stories that will leave you inspired.
All of us are successful losers – Losers because of the setbacks. Successful because we have overcome setbacks, loss and failures. This book is targeted at those who find typical self-help books - with preachy quotes and advice off-putting.
In this stealth-help book, the author narrates notable failures and setbacks that have been part of his life journey in ways that he didn’t anticipate. These stories hold a mirror to typical experiences that we are likely to encounter in a life journey
- Bullying, teasing and jibes
- Setbacks that reshape one's career
- Breakup of a relationship or a divorce
- Loss of a loved one
Difference of opinion with a boss or colleague
These chapters in a life story, when stacked on top of one other make for a memorable layered cake. These stories reflect many of the common rants and raves on r/India
Another recent book to check out is "Diary of a Successful Loser". The book may not have all the answers but has a number of stories where the author reflects on life situations, setbacks, disappointments. More importantly, the stories end with reflections on moving forward.
Books don't always have all the answers, but can help one reflect on shared experiences.
You may want to check out the kindle stealth-help book Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag
Stealth help genera, unlike self-help tries to motivate with personal stories and uses a person's experience to inspire readers to better their lives or themselves
I have narrated a few ups-downs in new book <strong>"Diary of a Successful Loser"</strong>
It is a short stealth-help book where I reflect on notable failures and setbacks and lessons learnt. These stories hold a mirror to typical experiences that we are likely to encounter in a life journey
DM if you want to read and review
>We want to wait for at least 3 years before we have a baby.
Why? Why?
Don't delay or put off having a child Especially IF you and your spouse want to..
- Money and career goals will continue to evolve. Life doesn't wait for those goals.
- The biological clock begins ticking for women and it's not worth fighting to beat it. Freezing eggs, sperms etc - too expensive and tiresome !
- The other unsaid advantage of having kids early is you can spend quality time with them... when you and your spouse are relatively younger.
Just My2Cents. I am not a role model by any means, but speak from experience. (Ref - My story)
My biggest mistake? I married a gold-digger - a senior IAS officer's daughter. She married me for a Green Card when I lived in the US.
Glad I was able to walk out after a couple of years. My story in the book "Diary of a Successful Loser"
Send me a DM if you want a copy to read and review
Recently published stealth-help eBook from Amazon <strong>"Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag"</strong>
A mix of memoir and self-help genera, stealth help uses a person's experience to inspire readers to better their lives or themselves. Stealth help books do what self-help books do - inspire and motivate - while they may not make you cringe or gag with preachy quotes.
Drop me a note if you want a review copy
Check out "stealth help" genera ... personal stories without being preachy or full of quotes.
I am promoting Kindle Stealth-Help "Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag" FREE 9-12 November
Kindle Stealth-Help "<strong>Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag</strong>" FREE 9-12 November.
Summary: A stealth-help book with life stories that will leave you inspired.
All of us are successful losers – Losers because of the setbacks. Successful because we have overcome setbacks, loss and failures. This book is targeted at those who find typical self-help books - with preachy quotes and advice off-putting.
In this stealth-help book, the author narrates notable failures and setbacks that have been part of his life journey in ways that he didn’t anticipate. These stories hold a mirror to typical experiences that we are likely to encounter in a life journey
These chapters in a life story, when stacked on top of one other. make for a memorable layered cake.
Kindle Stealth-Help "<strong>Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag</strong>" FREE 9-12 November.
Summary: A stealth-help book with life stories that will leave you inspired.
All of us are successful losers – Losers because of the setbacks. Successful because we have overcome setbacks, loss and failures. This book is targeted at those who find typical self-help books - with preachy quotes and advice off-putting.
In this stealth-help book, the author narrates notable failures and setbacks that have been part of his life journey in ways that he didn’t anticipate. These stories hold a mirror to typical experiences that we are likely to encounter in a life journey
Setbacks that reshape one's career
Breakup of a relationship
Loss of a loved one
Difference of opinion with a boss or colleague
These chapters in a life story, when stacked on top of one other. make for a memorable layered cake.
Check out this Stealth-Help book that tries to do just that <strong>"Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag"</strong> (Kindle FREE download 9 - 12 Nov)
Personal stories of typical experiences that we are likely to encounter in a life journey
This is exactly the situation I was in a few years ago when my boss actually said "Don't bring your personal Sh#t to work." (his exact words!)
I decided to walk out of that job and boss. My story in the book: Diary of a Successful Loser The kindle book is available for FREE download this week.
I did just that. I decided to unplug from all the "humble brag" and wrote a book (link)!
Link included in the review and also - Diary of a Successful Loser
You may want to check out the kindle self-help book Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag
Send me a DM if you want a copy to read and review
For me it is simple: “Tough times never last but tough people do”
Message me if you are interested in a short stealth help book with a few life stories that illustrate this
I did just that. I decided to unplug from all the "humble brag" and wrote a book (link)!
Check out Stealth-Help genera
"Diary of a Successful Loser: Looking beyond that Humble Brag"
FREE on Kindle from 9-12 November
Link to the book -