It's available on french amazon and afaik they deliver anywhere really. Could be hard to order if you don't know french, but using your phone with the google translate camera thingy should be doable
Yes you can! I live in the Netherlands, same situation as you. I ordered it on the USA Amazon store. Delivery costs was about 10 euros for me. I'll post a link here. Make sure to open this link in your internet browser, and don't let the Amazon app open it, otherwise I don't know if it'll work:
Direct link to the pink Amazon exclusive vinyl since everyone is asking:\_s\_a\_1\_2?crid=3K1K7JAG5O1AK&keywords=lana+del+rey+did+you+know+there%27s+a+tunnel&qid=1670431134&sprefix=lana+del+rey+did+you+knwo+theres+a+tunne%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-2
Here is the pink one babes, Amazon hasnt opened it yet for the US site but you can still order from the UK site even in the US!
If you still want one, I saw they’re back in stock on
German Amazon still has them, in case you want to splurge on shipping.\_=cm\_sw\_r\_apin\_dp\_WYWJQEF3J8ZKG51YX3JA
U.S. links:
Standard black (you can get this one from anywhere, not just the online store)
Indie green (pick your local record store or one closeby that ships)
Hiiii I found some links to the different vinyl variants for whoever is interested :)
Does anyone know where to pre order all of these (specificially in the US)? So far it seems like:
Black: One her website
White exclusive: on her website
Red: So far UK only from HMV:
Pink: So far UK only Amazon:
Mint: ???