Hi all. I appreciate this post. Whether you found the info useful or not, you have to say, it is an interesting read.
To all of you saying that fasting makes you too hungry, you have to remember the human body is incredibly adaptive. I know someone that fasts briefly, on occasion. He explained to me that after a couple fasts, your body is used to it and stops sending hunger signals. He developed a special method to using fasting appropriately, and as one of several tools to lose a lot of weight.
Since it worked really well for him, he wrote a book about it and just recently uploaded it to Amazon. The title is Diet 666. https://www.amazon.com/DIET-666-Walter-Labetti-ebook/dp/B07N8K35PJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1548997491&sr=8-1&keywords=diet+666
I hope it helps somebody :)