I have an amazing stylus that has a flexible tip with a plastic disk so you can use it like a normal pen/pencil. The brand name is Digiroot, I’ll see if I can find it on amazon.
Here it is.
I have a screen protector on my switch but this is the stylus I used when I played through the game. Screen still looked just fine after, and played much better than just using a finger or whatever.
Highjacking the top comment to recommend this stylus from Digiroot. Many people in my group have gone the stylus route but get the crappy, rubber-tipped ones that tend to rip after any heavy use and tends to not glide along the screen. These ones have a nylon tip and a conductive disc at the other end, both of which I find useful in different playing styles. If you're looking to invest in a durable stylus that is well suited to playing Pokemon Go, there is no better product that I've found.
I promise I'm not sponsored, just an extremely satisfied customer!
I've never found a set of touchscreen gloves I've been happy with. Either the touch pads don't work, or they aren't nearly warm enough as I live in Midwestern United States.
As mentioned above, getting a stylus is definitely the way to go! You can wear gloves as heavy as you like while still being able to input precise throws. I can VERY strongly recommend these Digiroot styluses from Amazon. They're durable, and come with a ton of extra tips so extend their lifetime- I ordered myself two a year ago and I'm still on the first set of replacement tips! I've bought them for friends who play pogo as well, I can not recommend them enough!
I swear I'm not sponsored, I just really like them.
I can VERY highly recommend these Digiroot styluses I found on Amazon. They're very durable, and come with a ton of extra tips to extend their lifetime. The nylon tip is great for when you're walking on the go, and the disc is perfect for precise throws and PvP swiping. I bought myself two of them a year ago, and I'm still using the first set of tips!
I bought this on Amazon and received it today. Feels comfortable and has replaceable tips.
I’m from Canada and bought this on the .com site for $24 CAD with tax and shipping. If you buy on amazon.ca it costs $34 plus taxes which is ridiculous, so if you’re in the North, get it from the .com.
I just have a sixth gen that I installed procreate on. I also used this pencil from amazon -
The ones with the fat tips seem more similar to using one's finger, but I got one similar to this which is nice because with a smaller tip it's easier to be precise. I've been enjoying using it with SSBU's stage builder.
I will admit to stupidly not understanding how it worked when I got it--I thought the clear disc on the end was a cap of sorts to be removed and I ended up ruining the tip. Luckily most of them come with extras.
This one is recommended by others:
High quality, small tip for greater precision, replacement tips included.
I'm waiting on this Digiroot one from Amazon to arrive. It was cheaper to order from amazon.com despite being in Canada.
Don't Rook too long, these prices might not last.
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
digiroot Universal Stylus,[2-in-1] Disc Stylus Pe… | $11.98 | $11.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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I usually recommend this stylus from Digiroot, since they are very durable and have great tracking on both of my phone screens. If you're concerned about losing them though and looking to buy in bulk, I found a comparable product from Meko that's pretty similar, but costs less.
These types of styluses are AWESOME for Pokemon Go. The disc tip has amazing conductivity with every phone screens I've tried it on- great for Digletts and Exeggcutes with the tiny catch circles that you need precision for. The nylon tip is a bit more durable, and more forgiving if your screen gets a little wet. I've been using the Digiroot styluses for over two years and they've been a huge help, and I've gotten good feedback from friends about the Meko ones as well. Hope this helps!
Pro tip - use a stylist when playing the game. Not one with a rubber head but a metal cloth one. I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071JY98QL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Don't know about a keyboard but this is what I did for stylus. I wrote this on another post:
"Have always been a note user and the spen is something I truly miss. This is the option I've used so far which is good but nothing will ever match an S pen. I don't think it should damage the screen in anyway unless pressured hard.
I chose it because of the recommendation in this video: https://youtu.be/fWfvaYuHHP4
Digiroot Universal Stylus,[2-in-1] Disc Stylus Pen 2018 UPDATED Touch Screen Pens for All Touch Screens Cell phones, Tablets, Laptops with 9 Replacement Tips(6 Discs, 3 Fiber Tips Included) - (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071JY98QL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_GuGZDb5V4GZAW"
Search capacitive stylus. I kinda like the disc style https://www.amazon.com/Digiroot-Universal-UPDATED-Replacement-Included/dp/B071JY98QL , a phone with proper active stylus would be better if you're gonna use it a lot, like a Galaxy Note series.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071JY98QL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I suggest this one since it actually comes with replacements for the tips. And those do have a tendency to wear and tear easily.
iPads on this list support the Apple Pencil (iPad Air 3rd generation, iPad mini 5th generation, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 1st or 2nd generation, iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 9.7-inch, iPad 6th generation) or Apple Pencil 2 (iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation, iPad Pro 11-inch). The Apple Pencil (1 or 2) is the best digital pen on the market, along with Wacom's Pro Pen (1 or 2).
The Nintendo Switch doesn't support any pen other than capacitive (finger) pens like the Adonit Jot Pro or Bamboo Fineline. You could Google search and find out which one works "best", but "best" still won't be very good and nowhere near the performance of even mediocre active pens like the Surface 3 Pen.
After watching a couple of videos on YouTube I'd suggest Digiroot Universal Stylus because it's relatively inexpensive and it has a microfiber mesh tip and it comes with replaceable nibs.
That's right. I got the Digiroot Universal Stylus from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Digiroot-Precision-Notes-taking-Navigation-Included/dp/B071JY98QL?th=1
I heard good things about it and it's decently cheap. Lots of extra tips too. I have mine, but obviously cannot tell you how it feels with Mario Maker. As a stylus though, it feels good, feels premium.