I hesitated to order it, since I wasn't sure if there was new content or just a rehash of the same story in a format that isn't likely to come close to the movie visually.
I decided to place the order when someone in another thread mentioned that about 80% was new content. It's supposedly restocking on Amazon today (or so it said when I placed the order), and free shipping can take time, so it might be a bit before it's in my paws.
The second link you have there looks like it's JUST the retelling of the movie. I'm not sure if it's the same as the "Cinestory", which some reviewers found disappointing, but it seems to be a different price and cover.
ChikinLoaf linked to the concept art book that I purchased, which should be arriving tomorrow. From the previews showcased on Amazon's site it looks quite good.
There's also another tie-in book, and it seems to be some sort of storyboard-esque/comic retelling of the film. I ordered it as well and will share more details once I get it.