Dont quote me on this because I am not sure what type of magnet they use but I have used rare earth magnets before and those things look like the one in the dynastash and they are super strong. just google rare earth can get them on amazon.
there is an amazon link
My mom is the same way lol and I used these DIYMAG Powerful Neodymium Disc Magnets with Double-Sided Adhesive, Strong Permanent Rare Earth Magnets for Fridge, DIY, Building, Scientific, Craft, and Office Magnets, 1.26 inch Diameter, Pack of 6
Get this kind of magnet:
It won't work for everyone, but it does for a decent percentage. You don't need to take my word for it. Try it on your vaccinated friends. Have a laugh.
You should seriously plan how you want to spend your last 1 to 3 years on earth. I suggest you get to know God. Why follow the agenda laid out for you by the very people that would rather see you dead? What they're doing is terrifying.
Oh no there's disc magnets I bought off Amazon they fit over the holes perfectly. Not sure if this link works but can copy and paste if not.
DIYMAG Powerful Neodymium Disc Magnets with Double-Sided Adhesive, Strong Permanent Rare Earth Magnets for Fridge, DIY, Building, Scientific, Craft, and Office Magnets, 1.26 inch Diameter, Pack of 6
I spent $10 on a set from amazon that comes with the 3M double sided adhesive as well. I got them for a dynavap project but they aren’t diametrically aligned so the dynavap wouldn’t sit center. However, they are badass magnets. Only problem I have is sometimes I flip it and it yanks the whole metal rolling tray lol
Magnets my man, magnets.
Get some Neodymium magnets and some GoPro stickies and you can mount just about anything
It's not a chip. It's Lipid-nanoparticle Ferritin Vaccine tech. Go ahead, get a strong magnet (like Neodymium) and put it to your vaccination site. One like this:
That's awesome you got to hear Dr. Gold in person. A bunch of doctors are talking about the spike protien and blood clots. It explains a lot. I'd been paying attention to those adverse reaction videos where they go over a compilation of them and pretty much everything can be explained by blood clots.
I wish we could unvax everyone. Have you tried the magnet challege? My husband, I'm waiting for those stronger neodymium magnets to arrive - I'm afraid if I try with a weaker magnet and it's too weak, he'll blow it off. I figure I can use them in crafts afterward.
Though I worry if it could hurt him? There was this one video where, these two blue collar men were at work and one ageed to use this industrial magnet and, you can watch it on camera, it literally rips a hole in his skin and he's bleeding and freaking out. I'll link it below in case you want to see it.
I wish there was more than a bunch of ticktock videos to go by. I mean, there are a bunch of published, peer-reviewed studies that involve magnetogenetics, ferritin and vaccines, but I have not seen any doctors talking about it yet in realtion to covid vaccines.
Did you see the Bob Dylan one, where he talks about the chief commander? I dunno. You could argue that he and Katy Perry are being artsy or edgy, I'll give you that. But they could be honest. They sound honest.
Here's Tom Brady talking about how his wife is a witch and uses magic to have him win games:
Here's a conference on exorcism by a Catholic exorcist, Fr. Ripperger: You can hear him talk about demons, angels and ghosts very matter of fact. I don't think he's lying. When I was a kid, my uncle rented a house that was infested by a demon. (Not on purpose. Something about the neighbor's kid using a ouija board?) My godfather got the Catholic Church involved and they ended up having an exorcism. I guess it came back through the neighbor's kid? Anyway, he and his family moved lol.
But, yeah, faith is a gift from God. I'm not expecting to convince anyone. If someone does believe, it's mostly up to God. (There is free will - you can choose to reject it if He does offer it.)
If things take a turn for a worse, just keep in mind Our Lady of Fatima. You know how Noah had his ark and you'd be saved if you got in the ark? This time around our Lady is the ark. She will lead you to her son. Just keep it in mind for later. Just in case.
There's definitely some sort of conspiracy - there is in fighting, just not as much as I'd like.
There's a channel that covers it - Michael Matt, he's very pro-Trump and against the new normal, so maybe you'd like him. (But he's lefty enough that he's had Bill Maher clips on the show recently, a couple times.) He's been giving coverage of the NWO, Davis, the UN... It's on his radar because Pope Francis is in their team. They're going to use the infrastructure of the Catholic Church for their blasphemous one world church. It's very real. They've been laying the ground work for years. (If you hear him say Bergolio - that's Pope Francis's name before he was Pope. )
Dr. Taylor Marshall covers it as well:
Dr. Bhakdi:
Dr. Bridle re Blood clots:
Video re magnets pulling particles out:
Neodymium magnets:
Magnet Fishing magnet:
I want to put together a “kit” for dealing with cauliflower ear this way I have the stuff on hand to deal with it already instead of driving around to homedepot or ordering it online afterwards (some places won’t sell You needles over the counter either) I see there’s magnets for sale from $45-$150 I’d like to do it cheaper than that.
Magnet ^
More magnets maybe too small?
Needles 21g is a good size?
No, why people keep these in the glove box is beyond me. You put your car in the water, you are going to fucking panic. Not to mention the bevy of other useless shit people keep in their glove box.
Buy one of these. Better yet, buy two or three. Best location is stuffing it into a vent and use the little directional slat things to clip it on. The vent, for the most part unless you really fucked up, isn't going to move all that much.
Another good place is your sun visor, but if you had a nasty impact before you went in the drink you could be shit out of luck there.
I epoxied two sizeable rare earth magnets to mine, and bought one of those magnetic phone holder plates and slapped it on the underside of my steering column. I also have a flashlight and and GPS unit that can send out emergency SOS with location under there.
It was probably a hair more than 1/8" if an inch. These neo magnets are crazy strong!
You can also order dynamags separately from dynavap or find a similar magnet (here are several on amazon with stickers on one side for about $10 ) and there are also other sizes/shapes available of that type of magnet on amazon.
I also saw someone else mentioning that you can get several for 2 or 3 bucks from Harbor Freight if you have that store nearby. Grab some magnets and improvise something. :)
Yes all files will be share for free. Ill be using those magnet
Step 0: Read this entire tutorial several times.
Step 1: Remove the strings. If this will cause the bridge to fall off, mark the body where the bridge is EXACTLY with masking tape.
Step 2: Determine if the crack runs over any bracing on the underside of the top, and if that bracing has been damaged. You can do this several ways; I use a small mirror and a flashlight looking at that crack, and the bracing. Do a google image search for what mandolin bracing looks like, and you'll know those little spines are what you'll be looking for.
Turn off the lights in the room you're working in and use the light to see if there are other cracks as well.
If the bracing is cracked, you'll have to fix that too. It's just as important as the top.
Step 2: You will need to purchase a bottle of Titebond glue, some cheap superglue, a pack of neodymium magnets (cheap on [amazon], a big roll of masking tape (get a name brand), a roll of string, a pair of safety goggles, some nitrile gloves, a paper towel or two, and two to three popsicle sticks to do this on the cheap. You also want a towel you don't care for as well as a table that you'll be able to use for a few days.
Instead of a roll of string, you can purchase clamps that extend from one side of the mandolin to the other. String is cheap, and luthiers have used it for hundreds of years.
I use Titebond II for my repairs, but I or III should be just as good. Depending on how old the instrument is, it may have originally used Hide Glue, if you want to keep the original glue type.
The tops of guitars and other instruments that use the top as a reverberation device (the "tonewood") are usually made of Sitka Spruce. The Janka Hardness Scale shows Sitka Spruce as:
Janka Hardness: 510 lbf (2,270 N)
The Janka Hardness scale of a popsicle stick (usually Baltic Birch) which isn't actually a wood, but a grade of wood. It means that, generally, popsicle sticks are pretty variable hardness from stick to stick.
Approximate substitutes to show variability:
Yellow Birch -- Janka Hardness: 1,260 lbf (5,610 N)
Paper Birch -- Janka Hardness: 910 lbf (4,050 N)
The hardness of very hard woods is in the 10- or 20,000 N, so we are far from that.
This is important to note because you generally want the same hardness wood as the original top was made with to patch cracks in the top, so that the tone resonates properly to avoid deadening the sound. As Baltic birch is not much harder, but easily obtainable, it will serve as our "cleat".
Step 3: Tape up the corners of the instrument (where the top meets the sides) with three layers of masking tape, and also tape around the edge of the break as absolutely close as you can get with as little wood showing as possible. Patience is key at this point, and you don't want to mess up the top or the corners, or cause more issues. When you get to laying glue out, things happen quickly, so be sure that everything is very close at hand.
Step 4: Cut 3 pieces of a popsicle stick about an inch long a piece. Round the corners on these three inch-long pieces of popsicle stick. You now have 3 popsicle stick cleats. These three are all you'll need, but we have extra sticks just in case you lose them or butcher one.
Step 5: Tape the top of the magnets with a square of tape that more or less covers the top of the magnet. Lay a generous dot of the cheap superglue on the back of the tape that is covering the magnet, and put a second square of tape on top of that so that the sticky side is up. This is your clamp and tape sandwich.
From the bottom to the top, your sandwich looks like: Magnet, tape, superglue, backwards tape with sticky side in the air.
Do this for three magnets.
Place your three inch-long popsicle stick ovals onto the sticky side of the tape.
Your sandwich now looks like, from bottom to top: Magnet, tape, superglue, backwards tape with sticky side in the air, popsicle stick cleat.
Step 6: Lay the mandolin down on the towel that's on the table, with the neck to the left. Position the masking tape under the neck to support the neck. If it doesn't reach, stick a few rags or an old shirt under there til it's nice and pillow-y soft, and supports the neck.
If you have clamps, ensure are padded and ready.
If you're using string: Tie a fist-sized loop in the string, so that you can pass your hand and the entire roll of string freely through the loop. Position this loop on the other side of the mandolin, with the rest of the string and the ball extending toward you under the mandolin.
Step 7: This is where the fun begins. Ensure you have the next hour free of distractions. This will go quickly.
The cleats will be positioned perpendicular to the grain of the top of the mandolin. The grain of the top of the mandolin is usually from the tailpiece to the neck. The goal is to not only position the cleats directly underneath the crack, but have the long side of the cleat going from where you're sitting to where the loop of string is. This will ensure a strong bond and ensure that it doesn't break again.
This cleat will be on the underside of the top of the mandolin, so do a test run of placing the three (dry) magnet sandwichs underneath the crack, and placing the other three magnets at equal intervals along the crack. These will be your cleat clamps.
If you're using bar clamps instead of the string, try a dry run of using them to squeeze the sides of the mandolin together now. Not too much pressure - don't crack the corners or sides.
This is the time to get this correct. When you think you've got the idea down, remove the dry run pieces and get ready for gluing.
Step 8: Place titebond on the tops of the cleats. Rub it around with your finger. You don't want too little or too much; you want just enough that the glue will stick and set.
Glue your mandolin crack with the titebond. You don't want too little; Clean up any squeeze out with the paper towels. Position the cleats under the crack on the inside of the mandolin at equal intervals, with the grain perpendicular to the grain of the top of the mandolin, and clamp up with the magnets. Clean up any squeeze out with the paper towels.
Clamp up the sides so that the crack comes together. Clean up any squeeze out with the paper towels.
If you're using string, take the ball of string and run it through the loop. Start wrapping from top right to bottom left, then bottom left to top right of the mandolin body. Move inward to the center of the body. Your goal here is to ensure a tight clamping and the crack to be sealed. Clean up any squeeze out with the paper towels. Work slowly but purposefully.
Step 9: Let this sit for 24 hours. Don't touch it. Don't fiddle with it. Leave it alone.
Step 10: After 24 hours, unwrap it or take the bar clamps away, take the magnets away (carefully peeling the tape away) leaving only the cleats on the underside, and clean up any popped-out glue seam that you see with a carefully placed blade, ensuring you don't scratch the top of the mandolin.
Restring, and it's fixed!
Or you can take it to an instrument repair shop and they'll do allll this for you.