Your journey is very similar to mine, even though I'm a lot older. Try taking a look at "Don't Call it Love" by Patrick Carnes. It really helped explain why I've had spiritual issues in my life, and how it affects my recovery.
You mean the study you randomly pulled off of wikipedia and can't be read without jumping through some hoops? Anyway here is a book by Dr. Patrick Carnes. Its not inherently about pedophilia per-se but it goes into the reasons and diversity sexual abuse including non-pedos who have violated children because of compulsive sexuality.
Since he doesn't want any advice the best thing is prob. to suggest him a book to read, just to see if he can relate to some of the stories there. That is how I broke through my denial. I didn't think I had a problem, but something wasn't working for me so I figured I'd read a book. When I read 10's of stories of others, who's lives were identical to mine I realized that I wasn't alone, and that many others had a similar experience.
Anyway the book that I've read was Don't Call it Love but another good book is Out of the Shadows by the same author. I think both of them can be found in a local library for free.
I have a lot more advice on what he can do if he wants to get help, but that is a different subject, and will probably take some time. But in summary just so you have this info a combination of therapy, 12 step group, whole a lot of reading worked for me. I actually have a small site where I share some of the things that I did to stop porn addiction but it is mostly helpful for people who already have realized that they have a problem, and do want to stop.
Path 1: Drop this loser. You don't deserve this shit.
Path 2: Understand it is a PSYCHOTIC pull from his addicted brain. It has taken me 4 years to get to 10 f*cking days. It's worse than heroine. Please understand that, and help him to heal. The longer he goes without his sexual objectification hyperstimulation, the more he will fill up his heart and his appreciation of the deeper, true you. And I love Women's perspectives. Thank you for sharing. Oh, and get this awesome book:
It will really help your relationship.