Well it is slightly on sale for $54.95 at Amazon.
And you replied in just a few minutes. Haha. The Internet community is amazing. Hey, I first used my phone and the Walmart App and got nothing. Then I did a search on Google to see if the game even exists for the Switch and who sells it. A link to Walmart appeared and so I followed it. It's a 3rd party vendor and they are out of stock. My store doesn't even show the game. I'm guessing Walmart itself will be the last to come to the party as usual.
I have noticed on multiple occasions that this company, for all its size and supposed dominance in the retail markets, typically lags bit time when we talk about new releases in gaming whether it be a game or a console. The same with Apple products, the airpods being the most recent example. We get boxes of crap that no one really cares about yet will get maybe 4 copies of some hot new game. And we are a high volume superstore even after being surrounded by NMs.
Good luck finding your game. Amazon has it.https://www.amazon.com/Doom-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B075MZMFXH/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=switch%2Bdoom&link_code=qs&qid=1578204388&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=8-1&th=1
Its not terribly difficult to find.
> Apparently performance wise at least Doom runs similarly on Switch
A copy of Doom (2016) for Switch, which runs only on the Switch, is $60 on Amazon right now.
A copy of Doom (2016) for SMACH Z or GPD Win 2 costs $6.59 right now on Steam, normal price $19.99, and it's functional on any PC-compatible machine running or emulating Windows.
The GPD Win series and the SMACH Z aren't Nintendo-cheap, but the games are fungible with other platforms and don't cost Nintendo prices, either. How many $60 Switch games does it take before the alternatives get very attractive?
On mobile so looks like crap sorry but here's the Amazon link Doom - Nintendo Switch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075MZMFXH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_jBgIBb9ZHRZGT
As of now.... On Amazon it is $60.
Two years ago, people would have said the same thing about the new DOOM, or even Skyrim.