The neighborhood watch is a really good idea. If ur able to talk with the people that live directly by you, next door, across the hall, and let them know what has happened, possibly exchange numbers so you have people right by you to call if u get spooked. Maybe some can even step outside their apartment when you get home from work and wait till you get inside.
Also there are many different products like this doorjam hopefully I did the link correctly 1st time I’ve done one but that might help you feel little more secure. This is just an example I haven’t researched them so don’t know which ones are most effective.
Weird situation. I would think if people wanted to break in or do something else they wouldn’t draw so much attention to themselves beforehand but who knows. Glad your husband got some time off to stay with you. Sorry u have to deal with this idiot. I hope it stops and things get better for you guys, be safe.
Your step dad feels he and others have the right to walk in on you getting changed ? I wouldnt bother trying to reason with that sort of person personally . could you invest in something like this maybe ?
Been stalking the comments for a few and I would say: 1. Get a storage unit and put all your important things in it. 2. Find some tool on Amazon to lock a door while you are doing stuff. Something like this is portable and no install is necessary: This is so you can be in your room/bathroom in peace. But you could also apply it on your mom's bedroom door so you can get important documents. 3. Get a strong safe/lockbox and put those documents in it (preferably small so you can hide it in a closet or whatever. 4. Ask all your trusted friends if you can stay for a bit until you find a place to live. 5. When you get a place, make sure she does not have a key. (My father is a locksmith and he recommends a kwikset lock for ease of re-keying). 6. Hire somebody to install a bolted/cemented safe in your house to hold important items.
Not as easy as it sounds, but that is what I would do if I was you.
Hope this all gets better, Dylancrazycat64
Also you can get a product like a Door Jammer that essentially adds a lock to a door.
Being polite and responding to a casual greeting like 'How are you?' is FAR from an invitation for him to start aggressively hitting on you (or soliciting you for prositution), especially when you have already rejected him quite blatantly on many other occasions. Don't be afraid to be more direct with him, firmly tell him in no uncertain terms that you are not and will never be interested in him. Is there any way for you to get out of there and into a different place? If not, maybe you can talk to your landlord about having him removed? Regardless, you should invest in some kind of door lock ASAP- they are fairly easy to install yourself. This could be another good option.
>it didn't strike me as mostly that, either.
Have you thought about doing incalls in your own apartment, but getting your apartment on a shorter term lease and moving to diff areas in the complex every few months? You may be able to request a diff apartment unit on the same lease.
My only tip is don't actually give guys the directions/address to your place, tell them a local landmark nearby then guide them into your place. Like "Are you at Walgreens? Great make a left out of there and head into the second neighborhood you see. Okay now go all the way down the street and take a right, then 3rd building." Then you walk out to greet him, feel him up for weapons, and guide him into your apartment, that has your door open already.
Like you can do incalls easily from where you live, just guide the guys in and out instead of giving them your address. Surprisingly enough it's very effective. They could figure it out on their own but most won't. Especially when it's dark out and signs are hard to read.
Oh, btw get deadbolts installed and this door jammer
Consider getting a door jammer DoorJammer Portable Door Lock Brace for Home Security and Personal Protection
So this absolute toenail of a woman has violated yours and SO's boundaries multiple times? She's been told a dozen time to cut that shit out and hasn't?
Get a lock for your door.
Can't do any damage to your door or frame of the door with screws because it's a rental or you're staying temporarily?
I got you.
Doorjammer. Easy operation, slide and adjust.
Addalock. Installs quickly, no tools needed, and easier to hide in case someone for whatever reason throws a fit about the door being locked.
Also, something else.
Door Stop Alarm. It doesn't lock the door, but it lets out a hell of a noise when it's tripped. Wanna embarass this toenail or just feel like being a bit petty? Boom, noisemaker.
No one is allowed into your room without permission. It is yours and SO's space, not for anyone else to invade. She is stomping your boundaries, and has not listened after being told to cut it out.
Is there an off chance that this woman is experiencing dementia? It might explain [but not excuse!] why this keeps happening.
That's truly awful- get one of those tourist doorstops that you can put on the inside of the door. Those can't be picked. Fuck 'not allowed'!
I’m a fan of some sort of doorstop too. They even make products like this that you can even take when you travel!
I use one of those door wedge while travelling:
If you look on amazon there are locks made to secure hotel room doors against thieves / intruders. They might be a good option.
En attendant un truc comme ca peut-etre pour renforcer la porte?
This isn’t what you’re looking for but it’s what you want.
No screws, no damage, no way it’ll affect your deposit.
She needs to grow tf up.
Also, buy a door jam.