I agreeee! I took this off my bookshelf to take the photo because I just couldn’t pass it up. I got the journal on Amazon!
Thank you so much! I love this notebook because of the cover cork! I've bought 3 of these haha. I got it off of Amazon!
Thank you! This is the one I bought: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HJ4MZHR/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_KM9RBCHPF97GFQYEZKXX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
She got it off of Amazon! Here’s the link
I'm on mobile, so I'm sorry for the formatting. Let's see if this works!
I'm happy and healthy, snd very fortunate enough to work from home. I am incredibly grateful for this, and try to pay it back in any way that I can to others that are less fortunate than I am.
I bought this bullet journal on Amazon, and I'm contemplating if I want to buy this bullet journal kit but I am seeing if I will actually use it first.
I do have a few more questions if you don't mind,
Do you use any stencils?
What was the hardest challenge for you?
What has helped you the most?
Do you use any sort of "planner" stickers?
Do you use washi tape?
What do you use the most? (besides the writing tools lol)