Dr.meter PH001 Backlit pH Meter 0.01 High Accuracy Pocket Size pH Tester with ATC 0-14 Measurement Range https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LNSEZH2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_vIBTybWWVN35T. Have used this for 3 years and have never had a problem. No sense in spending extra $$ for a name brand.
I went with this cheapo . . good enough for me (making sure my hot sauce is under 4). There is an important comment along the lines of "if it's not stabilizing, tie a string on it and swing it around, the bubbles are stuck". I almost threw it out as it was not stabilizing. This resolved the issue.
This is the one that I purchased. It comes with buffer solution mixes that I would recommend you make down with distilled water and store in a sealed glass jar.
When using, use only in room temperature wort or liquids. ATC corrects the instruments electronics for the temperature and does not correct a pH reading at 140F for a room temperature reading.
For buffer solutions if one of yours goes bad (and they should be replaced every couple of months), I use a VWR buffer solution I get from work. Suitable replacements cam be found on Amazon. The important thing to remember is to always, always rinse your pH probe between readings and buffer solutions (always!).
Don't buy strips, a cheap meter is more accurate and will serve you over time.
If you PH is higher than you want, pop it in the fridge
Thanks. Would you consider this a decent pH meter?
If not, any suggestions?
This is the one I have and I have no issues with it. Make sure you get storage solution and 4/7 buffering solution for calibration.
I've had good results from this one: http://www.smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LNSEZH2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00
You'll have to calibrate it before using it and clean it after use, but if you do that then it's spot on