It's a hard battle but you can try by saying you care and hence you gave this book to them Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes without Drugs
Thanks for your helpful input and link to the article. Bookmarked to read this evening.
During the time I was pre-diabetic, I found inspiration in this book by Dr. Neal Bernard:
nope it comes from intracellular fat. your body runs on sugar but the fat stops it getting into the cells.
diabetes mellitus literly means sugar/honey passes through
this is well known... are you still at school ya?
You need to know far more than a few words. DR Barnard spells it out in his book. Want a quick peek at an understanding put dr neil barnard into a search on youtube. Want to get serious about curing type 2 the book and read it at least 3x. Then do what he recommends.
I've been going approximately vegan for about a month now, on the advice of my doctor who referred me to this book. My cholesterol levels, family history, and fatty liver all suggest I was (and maybe still am) on track for diabetes down the road. I'm curious to see my blood panel in a few months.
When I say "approximately" I mean meat and dairy have been relegated to special occasions, so call it 95% vegan. Whatever, still an improvement over meat twice a day.
Anyway, it's been easier than I thought it would be. It takes some getting used to but not a ton of effort. I like meat and cheese but I don't find myself missing it. I do use a multivitamin (primarily for B12), and protein supplement since I work out 4-6 days a week.
Point is, if the ethical arguments didn't sway me, the health benefits (or more accurately, the tangible threat to my personal health) did. Maybe that makes me selfish, I dunno. Probably.
TL;DR: I'm trying to do the right thing, for the wrong reasons. It's easier than you might think, though sometimes I cheat. You can do it too.
Research has shown a low fat plant based diet can really help and even reverse type 2 diabetes. Maybe try reading this book:
Well if you’d like to live, you will explore eating a new way.
How did the approach recommended by Dr Barnard sound to you?
His book is $8 on Kindle thru Amazon
Dr. Barnard's Reversing Diabetes book has a section specifically about T1. The guys at Mastering Diabetes are both T1. There's a good video of them here and they have a podcast here. The recommendations for both types seem to be the same, from a WFPB perspective.
Of course I'm not a doctor - so no one should take my advice - OP should talk to his doctor. But there is media out there.
You can try this if you want.
>Your goal is to find an excuse why it's destructive
How little you know me, lol. I used to be a paleo-eating, weight-lifting, IGF-1-heightened, misc-surfing gym rat.
>Highly active men should have the proportionate amount of carbohydrates, like 1800s and early 1900s American farmers, but not anymore.
Yeah, the high-carb vegan community is so fat. /s
>Is there literally a single other YT channel you know of? lol
he simply surveys (often pay-walled) nutritional studies, something which barely anyone on YT is doing with his prolificity. There are other channels that do similar things, but his are most well-organized and succinct.
>Telling a diabetic to eat grains is so unbelievably irresponsible.
Tell that to Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. McDougall, The American Diabetes Association, and researchers who have done relevant studies on the matter.
Maybe you need to read this?
For maximum health, a low protein (to slow ageing and prevent cancer cell growth), low fat, high carbohydrate, high calorie (aiming for 3000-5000 a day) is the best way. And no, it's not broscience. Low carb is broscience.
I said it perfectly comprehensible. I'll break it down for you.
>It's a slippery slope
Meaning once you start talking about the power of the mind to help control blood glucose, people start minimizing the problem by saying you can cure it without insulin and proper control methods, which is dangerous and ignorant.
>because there are people who believe diabetes (even type 1) can be cured entirely by diet and willpower.
People have told me that I can cure my diabetes, and they point me to shit like this to illustrate their point. Further perpetuating the idea that Type 1 is the same as Type 2. Of course we know Type 1 cannot be cured by willpower and diet.
>However I do believe there is some truth in what they're saying.
As in there is truth that your mind can affect your BG levels, so I don't think that's totally bunk. Stress is a huge difference-maker in your control. On a perfect day, with low carbs and perfect insulin measurement, your stress levels will be the difference between 100 and 300. Does that mean you can entirely eliminate insulin and control by meditation and working on lowering your levels of stress? Absolutely not. Studies like this are dangerous because they can minimize the problem.
I do everyday of my life. Excess fat and oil consumption causes diabetes, NOT excess sugars/starches as conventional wisdom states. Check out this book if you'd like to know more.