I recently got into palladiums this year, so I have no prior reference.
However I did notice the insoles were pretty thin. I replaced them with these https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Scholls-Relief-Orthotics-Women/dp/B01MG68UX9/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=dr%2Bscholl%27s%2Binserts%2Barch&qid=1601863227&sprefix=dr%2Bscholl%27s%2Binserts%2Barxh&sr=8-4&th=1&psc=1
They are small and allow for toe room. If you buy them from Walmart I'm sure you could return them if they don't work.
I have these boots. Wear with one of these Dr Scholl's and you won't feel pain even after twelve hours.
If the boot feels a biiiit too tight on the toes. Snip a bit of other insert off to allow more room.
Buy these inserts and give them a try.
Also do the boots looked balanced? Are there any signs of uneven wear on the heels?
Dr. Scholl's ARCH Pain Relief Orthotics // Arch Support Inserts Clinically Proven to Provide Immediate and All-Day Relief of Arch Pain (for Men's 8-12, also available for Women's 6-10) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MG68UX9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_taxTFb9QZKT26
I’ve been using these for years in all my shoes with great success. The key is to switch them out every few months even if they don’t look like they need to. You’ll feel the difference right away.
I personally use three things for feet but at the end tired feet are tired feet. Sorry for Amazon links, I just pick the cheapest price for these items, if I get to buy it in pink I don't care. I read that the insoles need to be replaced every 3 months, which I'm starting to feel like I need to replace because I am on the third month. Shoes I'm going to replace in 6 months so already bought another pair and the sleeve I just hand wash and maybe buy some more next month. Your mileage may very and I find these shoes to be good fit while wearing the sleeve and having extra insole. I had gotten another pair but different style of the shoe and can't use anything else while wearing them so I stuck with these shoes.
I have high arch but idk, I could never wear dress shoes and I was born with bad feet were no one remembers but I had to wear special shoes as a baby to straighten my feet. With this physical job I'm starting to see i can't walk correctly 100%.
Use arch support, this will save the insole text for you as well. I use this whatever I got half size up. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01MG68UX9/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_apa_gl_i_G2RQ89W5JYG34S21D99E?linkCode=ml2&tag=ubtstore-20
supersole 2.0 plus add in these Dr. Scholls arch pain orthotics $12. Cushions the heel better than anything else.
Don't get the heel pain ones. The arch on those is way to exaggerated. Strange, I know.
(Horween leather btw. Best leather in the USA)
If you buy it, try the boot first, see it you have space under your heel. If you do go to Walmart and find these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MG68UX9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_XZ4KGF1EY71M3A9B47ME
(Even tho it's Amazon, I said WalMart cuz you can return even if opened.)
This is what I have currently for my workboot set up.
I can last 12 hr days of walking with little to no pain on my feet. I walk on hard concrete all day.
Also, another thing about these boots is that you may get a little rubbing on the toes. For that problem, I just snipped the tip of the insert it came with for more wiggle room.
Thursdays are more for casual wear, not really meant for dedicated hiking.
Check these keen boots. Not exactly cap toe, but cap toes aren't waterproof because water can still fall in through the cap. Still very stylish, flexible and have the ability to be resoled as well. pair it with these inserts and you can get more cushion for long walks and hikes.
just an fyi, the boots I suggested aren't exactly waterproof either, the most they can handle is a few splashes of a puddle and that is it. but if you are going to go through miles of puddles and mud then a dedicated neoprene boot would do more justice.
Put some obenaufs heavy duty lp on the leather for more waterproof-ness.
put these on top of the insert it comes with:
The design on these look so good I'm thinking of getting some lol
I personally use three things for feet but at the end tired feet are tired feet. Sorry for Amazon links, I just pick the cheapest price for these items, if I get to buy it in pink I don't care. I read that the insoles need to be replaced every 3 months, which I'm starting to feel like I need to replace because I am on the third month. Shoes I'm going to replace in 6 months so already bought another pair and the sleeve I just hand wash and maybe buy some more next month. Your mileage may very and I find these shoes to be good fit while wearing the sleeve and having extra insole. I had gotten another pair but different style of the shoe and can't use anything else while wearing them so I stuck with these shoes.
These are still new ish, I brought them more than 2 months ago. Wolverine claims this particular one not to be water proof, but my old boots were not waterproof and still guarded me from the occasional small spill at my old job. Going through super deep mud they weren't that very good, and I had to switch to rain boots. The reason I like these is that they absorb stepping shock pretty damn well, and I have to walk miles in a warehouse on hard concrete floor and a lot of oily machinery. They have durashock tech and I coupled it with some Dr. Scholls inserts (specifically these that give toe room) and I feel nothing after 8 hours of walking and very little pain after 12.
you can see these that I will link to:
my boots but as a wellington: https://www.wolverine.com/US/en/i-90-durashocks-carbonmax-wellington-wedge/36413M.html?dwvar_36413M_color=W10893
my ultimate dream workboot (worth the money if you have it): https://www.keenfootwear.com/p/M-CSA-PHILADELPHIA-6-INT-MET-WP.html?dwvar_M-CSA-PHILADELPHIA-6-INT-MET-WP_color=1022167&cgid=&q=carbon (they have an 8inch as well)
These boots have shock absorbing outsoles and insoles and carbon fiber toes. They give a little bit more toe room than steel toe (or mine does) and I am pretty sure it is as strong as steel (but lighter). Another tip is cutting a bit of the insert it comes with to fit if you have big toes (like me). It'll feel weird at first but the comfort with more room is awesome.
Right now, my workboots (recently brought) are I-90s with the Carbonfiber toe from Wolverine . They are the best work boot I have worn so far. They are light (for a leather boot that is) sturdy (goodyear welt) and comfortable. They have shock absorbing outsoles and insoles, so its a double layer of protection. I added another layer by putting these on and I tell you, after 12 hour days, I very very little pain on my feet (I have crappy heels. I modified the insole by cutting a bit off the top to make more toe room. seriously, I can sleep with these boots on after a 8 hour work day.
The ones I REALLY want to try and own though are the Keen Philidelphia with carbon fiber MET and Toe . A bit too pricey for me now, but they look like they can last for years and I've read and seen reviews of people owning Keens for 4-5 years even in heavy use.
For dress boots I want these 1000 mile wolverines, but like I've said a bit to pricey for me now. lol