I will use this to promote the single most impactful thing I did for my attractiveness/hygiene last year:
I know, I know, tongue scrapers. You've heard of this. "Why not just brush your tongue with your toothbrush?" as my sister in law asked.
Trust me.
I brushed my tongue every day, but the first time I used this thing so much white shit came off my tongue I had an existential crisis.
Buy it, use it, love it.
BONUS: read the amazon reviews. They are fucking bonkers.
You aren’t hurting your tongue at all, but brushing your tongue with a toothbrush isn’t as effective at cleaning it as a tongue scraper. I recommend buying one on Amazon. They’re great at keeping bad breath away.
Here’s a link to a good stainless steel tongue scraper.
I tried those and they were okay. they got some gunk off but left it feeling still kinda gross.
the stainless steel scraper really got all of it and much faster with much less gagging.
worth $8
Hi, thanks for sharing! Gotta look into that...
Do you scrape your tongue every day? If not, I recommend getting a tongue scraper like this one (it'll change your life, or at least your mouth) DrTung’s Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper with Travel Pouch, Tongue Cleaner for Adults, Kids, Easy to Use Comfort Grip Handle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00064JGBO/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_KB32D4SK8WN31MEQS92C
this one changed my life. no more morning breath or sore throats every morning. i shill it hard every time it comes up.
"DrTung's Tongue Cleaner"
I've tried other designs but this style is the most effective imo.
I think I got mine for 9 bucks but if you're in the US, it's listed currently for 8.
The "travel pouch" is pretty dumb so I just put change in it for toll booths
Tongue scraper is my first choice. The gunk I get of my tongue is so satisfying.
Also, any sort of physical fitness stuff. Jump rope, dumbells, wrist rollers, hand grips.
Therabreath is great! But only works if the smell is coming from your mouth. What kind of tongue scraper are you using? I find the plastic ones don’t do anything. I like the metal dr Tung’s tongue scraper from amazon. (Link below)
Dr. Tung's Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel (colors may vary) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00064JGBO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_s4yyCbCM1S1YM
Other possibilities for bad breath 1. post nasal drip from chronic allergies 2. Acid reflux (smells coming from your stomach.
My best guess is still tonsil stones though, even if they’re not visible. They hide in the folds and holes of the tonsils.
Try a tongue scraper in stainless steel.
You would not believe the crap that came off my right after I quit. I use after I brush in the morning- don't know if it is smoking related or not. But it was almost clay-like.. it's lessoned considerably in the past month- but also read these amazon reviews! It will really help your breath!
It works way better than just brushing and mouth wash.
Also- wouldn't hurt to schedule a dentist cleaning..
Dr. Tung's Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel (colors may vary) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00064JGBO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_UfUlybXWMD090
Edit: grammar , spelling and clarification
Serious reply here... I got a tongue scraper on a whim a few years back, and it is honestly the best thing ever. I find a combo of floss and scraping more helpful at reducing halitosis than a tooth brush any day (though you should really be doing all three). It's hard to go back after you see the kind of disgusting gunk you can pull off your tongue. The one I got is similar to this. 10/10, no question. 0/10 with rice. Do not eat the scrapings at all. That would be gross.
you want something like this http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1453268928&sr=8-1&keywords=tongue+cleaner+metal
its basically a strap of metal that you can scrape the white/colored layer on your tongue. ive always used one since i was a kid, and its great for breath too
Get plackers or some other plastic flosser so it's convenient.
Get a tongue scraper and use it twice a day :http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO
Brush your teeth after using these with a peroxide toothpaste.
Dr. Katz Therabreath stuff seems like it has helped some people. Maybe try it too. I think there are lozenges which might do double duty in your case of dry mouth.
I recommend throughly brushing your teeth and using a tongue-scraper: http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO/
I went through a similar thing and doing that helped a lot; now I mostly use a waterpic with a tongue scraper attachment that just washes everything away.
Even better then brushing with his toothbrush, get yourself a tongue scraper
They work wonders, I DIY and have blown out my taste buds a few times with weird flavor combos and normally a quick scrape+rinse clears it right up.
edit: And as 100 other people have already said, drink water till you can drink no more.
I suggest that you gently brush with the dry bristles. I read in Men's Health (backed up by studies) that this gets rid of 70% of the plaque and when you brush right after with toothpaste it does a great job.
Edit: Brush your tongue as well. I got through times where I only brush 1-2 a day but if I clean my tongue I'm good to go. A tongue scraper does a better job.
Tongue scraper. I tried several before landing on this one. It's stainless steel, it'll last virtually forever.
First couple of times you use it will gross you out realizing how much bacteria you had growing on your tongue.
Then, I always rinse with Smart Mouth mouthwash after flossing, tongue scraping and brushing. You can buy it anywhere, grocery store, WalMart, Target, etc. This is the best mouthwash I've found, I never have morning breath since I started using it. I wish it still came in two bottles that you mix, because their new "all-in-one" bottle sucks. But it is what it is.
periodontal disease causes bad breath, but if he doesnt have that, use this. life changing
This one (Amazon link) has been pretty good in my experience.
Good point; it might be your breath. Get a tongue scraper (cheap on Amazon). They work really well.
NAD. For your tongue, you might find a metal tongue scraper (I love this one: https://www.amazon.ca/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO) easier on your gag reflex.
DrTung’s Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper with Travel Pouch, Tongue Cleaner for Adults, Kids, Easy to Use Comfort Grip Handle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00064JGBO/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_9524HQFA0YRKNKC0H3B1
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Dr. Tung's Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel (color… | $14.98 | $14.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
This is the one I have: https://www.amazon.ca/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO
This one is the best hygiene tools I've ever bought; it's crazy how much it gets off and how well it works: https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO
Not sure why you find it hard to believe I floss every morning and evening? I'll go even further, I also use a tongue scraper between flossing and brushing. Then I use Smart Mouth mouthwash after brushing my teeth for two minutes with a rechargeable sonic toothbrush (side note: I can't find the rechargeable one online, I hope they haven't discontinued it. The internal battery does eventually wear out and I hope I can replace it when mine does.)
This all takes a whopping 5 minutes twice a day. It's really not that difficult to find the time, and the fact you seem to find it hard to believe anyone does it makes me think I'd rather not have a face to face conversation with you.
I cannot stand being around or talking to someone with funky dragon breath, so I make sure I'm not one of them.
Worked for me! In short, brushing the tongue is not enough. The first time you do this, don’t look, or you will need therapy.
Buy him a tongue scraper (brushing alone will not do it); my life would have been very different had someone done this for me.
A tongue scraper might be helpful. I use mine pretty much every day.
Get a tongue scraper. This is what I use.
Morning and night: Floss, brush, scrape, mouthwash.
Haven't seen any like that before but here is what I use and. It works great.
Dr. Tung's Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00064JGBO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_jhTtybVVANGQQ
And floss. Floss your damn teeth everyday. And mouth wash too. Do this all twice a day.
I get these from Target for those of us who can get our large mitts (or ham hocks) in our mouths very well.
Tongue scrapper I use.
I am kinda yelling at myself. I have finally gotten into a good routine of doing all this (floss, brush, scrap, mouthwash) morning and night.
What you have is normal. It's a boifilm caused by bacteria on the tongue. It is not thrash or a yeast infection, like others have said. Many people have this even without smoking.
What you want is a tongue scrapper. Use this before brushing your teeth, and make sure you use mouthwash to kill off bacteria before it forms another biofilm. It'll also help your breath and improve your sense of taste.
I suggest this one.
Been using this for about 2 years, don't know how I lived without it.
Try one of these things: http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO
Get one of these bad boys.
I have a geographic tongue and have a similar problem. I started using this about 5 years ago and never looked back. Do it twice a day and have fresh breath and clean tongue.
I'm curious as to if these would have the same effect http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO
The cadillac of tongue scrapers. http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO
Amateur. :) Try this http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Tungs-Tongue-Cleaner-Stainless/dp/B00064JGBO. I love it.
Invest in a good tongue scraper. Here's a good, cheap one with positive reviews
Other than cleaning your tongue, what other benefits are there.