The VIZ translation is a good translation, but it can be a bit quirky at times. For example, Piccolo speaks like a medieval knight for awhile, Goku thinks Vegeta killed his grandfather (before remembering otherwise, an apparent reference to the anime's first English dub), Cell is referred to as an "it", Vegetto is renamed to Vegerot to reflect the "Kakarrot" romanization, Mr. Satan is called Hercule), etc. Despite the quirks, the translation itself is indeed more accurate than the FUNimation dub.
If you're interested in the manga, your best option is to purchase it digitally from Viz's website, but if you prefer a physical release, the VIZBIGs have the best paper quality, while the individual volumes have the least amount of censorship. The 3-in-1s are missing chapter covers, and are printed on very thin, low quality paper. They also remain censored, despite being advertised as otherwise. The Full Color manga is ongoing. This release currently only censors Mr. Popo's lips.
<strong>Our FAQ</strong> covers this question:
There are many different ways to purchase the manga, though unfortunately, every official English release is censored in some way, shape, or form. Your best option is to purchase it digitally from Viz's website, but if you prefer a physical release, the VIZBIGs have the best paper quality, while the individual volumes have the least amount of censorship. The 3-in-1s are missing chapter covers, and are printed on very thin, low quality paper. They also remain censored, despite being advertised as otherwise. The Full Color manga is ongoing. This release currently only censors Mr. Popo's lips.
If you want quality and the best bang for your buck, then the VIZBIGs are definitely the way to go when it comes to purchasing the English release of the manga.
Considering it is in our FAQ, there is a Kanzeban fan-made translation project. If you're wanting to purchase the manga, you can purchase the digital versions on Viz's website. Feeling the physical versions? The VIZBIG editions are on Amazon with a nice paper quality. Otherwise, you can purchase the series individually .
Otherwise, your best bet would be using Google to find alternate resources to read online. I'm not sure the rules on warez. We've had some posts before about showing when and where you can read the manga online. (i.e. Dragon Ball Super's translated manga)
You should pause on the "Z" volumes and start over collecting and reading the story from its actual beginning.
You can buy the entirety of the manga both digitally and in physical volumes from Viz's website.
From our FAQ in the sidebar:
> ###Q: What is the best way to purchase the manga? A: There are many different ways to purchase the manga, though unfortunately, every official English release is censored in some way, shape, or form. Your best option is to purchase it digitally from Viz's website, but if you prefer a physical release, the VIZBIGs have the best paper quality, while the individual Tankōbons have the least amount of censorship. The 3-in-1s have atrocious paper quality and remain censored, despite being advertised as otherwise. The Full Color manga made it only three volumes (51 chapters) before being indefinitely suspended by Viz. This release currently only censors Mr. Popo's lips.
It's worth noting that volume 1 of the 3-in-1s has since been reissued with somewhat less censorship. They're also ongoing, having just finished the fight with Freeza.