The book “Draw Furries” by Jared Hodges and Lindsey Cibos was what helped me learn how to draw furries when I first started :) Since then they have made sequels to the book too. Step by step animal drawing books can help a lot too since furries are just animal heads anyway.
Edit: Amazon link
Draw Furries: How to Create Anthropomorphic and Fantasy Animals
A. You kinda seem depressed, you okay? Hugs
B. Practice makes perfect, and a lot of making art is knowing the techniques. A pen tablet can be had for less than $100, and a lot of artists use digital to get those magical looks. Serif Affinity Photo and Designer can take the place of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator at $50 a piece (Abobe charges monthly, the bastards) and theirs free brushes and stuff out there. Starting with a general art book would be a good start, there's also /r/furryartschool and books like this one.
I have nerve damage, bad motor control in my hands... And I still find ways to be creative. Don't let no rule you, you can do it!
/r/furryartschool would be a good place to start. There's also books on this topic. And i bet there's tons of tutorials on youtube about it. As for tips on what to use and how to do it, i'm totally lost too.
For anyone who also wanted it I found it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites. A second one too on Barnes & Noble
Amazon : This book
Barnes & Noble : This book | Second Book
There are also a whole bunch of helpful books out there you could try checking out, like this one for example
For starters, voraciously consume everything that has to do with drawing on this youtube channel. You basically need to start at the base essential drawing fundamentals.
Proko has a lot of really awesome drawing tutorials.Here are some other interesting ones:
There are lots of books, online tutorials, etc, that have to do with drawing basics, research for all those to find the ones that suit you best. My favorite figure drawing book for artists that I use a lot, is Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing: Design and Invention. Theres a PDF of it here:
Same with animal drawing, look up online resources. Draw from photos and life a lot. I took a class with Joe Weatherly, and he has a book on animal drawing, but it is more for intermediate artists and talks about drawing methods, and isn't really a step by step how to draw book, but those exist, too. But you need to start with basic drawing fundamentals to understand shapes, volumes and structures. Furries are basically people with animal heads, so if you want to learn how to draw the way I do, you'll basically need to do lots of human and animal drawings/studies. Try to draw from photos, and follow/observe artists who's skills you admire.
Oh my god I can't believe I almost entirely forgot about this next book.Ive been in a formal art school environment for so long, I forgot about this book, and how I got it when I was 11 years old and it was what made me fling myself full force into furry art:
I have the first one but I think there's 3? Theres step by step drawings, and I would copy the furries with the steps from this book when I was a kid.
Here's what my art looked like in 2012 (I was like 12 -13)
And now I draw like this:
But bear in mind, I was drawing ever since I could hold a marker in my baby hands, and loved drawing so much, I did a ton of it. I also did 4 years of art school, that got me to the level that I am, and I still have lots to learn and grow myself. Art is a never ending learning journey, but literally anyone can learn to draw, its just a skill. Its like learning how to play a sport, some people might be more naturally inclined to be good at it, but really anyone can learn to play well enough as long as they try their best.