I think the custodial job will involve more motions that utilize your whole body and fewer find movements. That seems like a good change.
I really feel you about the art. That was the scariest part of it all, when I could barely use my hands. I liked this book a lot. I'm bummed there's no ebook option, I would share with you if I could. Happy to share other resources tho related to tissue work and resolving pain, let me know if you're interested.
Saying videos are not good teachers is the same saying you can't learn from them or books and that kind of mentality is a bit retrograde, because if that was true schools like Schoolism or Masterclass wouldn't be so popular nowadays, nor would online courses or teaching work or would be used as an alternative in our current Covid19 context. Every kind of media can be a vehicle for information when well thought and done, from online posts such as on Reddit, to a youtube video. It all comes down to the creator of said content and the user/viewer/reader in addition to previous knowledge or research one does in the matter to which in the end videos can be a part of it. There are good videos and bad videos, like there are good and bad teachers everywhere.
Also I don't think the OP meant to get free content instead of paid one based on the post and what I took from it and the other comments on this thread, but more something focused on artists since its not the most approached subject in this kind of activities or trainings.
Regarding OP u/skulls3Bones, there are some useful videos like the ones from Kassandrabut they are more focused on yoga which you can check on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX32D3gKXENrhOXdZjWWtMA) and there is also a very useful book for artists I can recommend called "Draw Stronger" by Kriota Willberg, which you can find on Amazon. (https://www.amazon.com/Draw-Stronger-Self-Care-Cartoonists-Artists/dp/1941250238)
To finish, if you work with digital art and spend too much time on the computer try using a Powerball, its helps a lot with relaxation of the wrists and can be a life-saver at the end of a work day.