I always like to recommend the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series. They're not to everyone's taste, but for me they're astonishingly good books with some very literary elements.
If you're looking for something lighter, Lindsay Buroker's Emperor's Edge series is a fun steampunk series. She's self-published.
Jeff Wheeler's Muirwood series is also a good read (albeit quite quick). He's got a couple of series set in the same world though so could keep you going for a bit. He started out self-published but is now with an Amazon imprint.
My own Aylosian Chronicles series is portal/epic/literary fantasy. It's not an action packed series, but has been praised for world-building and a really interesting magic system. The first book in the series is 3.99 and the second 4.99. The series isn't yet complete (will be next year), but if you're interested here's the link for the first in the series, Dreams and Shadows
Good luck!
Hi everyone
If you like unique creatures and world-building; if you like a really interesting magic system described as a cross between Airbender and Wheel of Time; if you like an interesting world with unique creatures; if you like stories filled with subtle allegories and themes; if you like a story that spends a lot of time inside the MC’s head; if you like a pinch of suspense and drama, along with moments of tenderness; if you like original wisdom literature that will make you stop and think about how it applies to you and your life…
If you like all of these things in your epic fantasy, then you will love The Aylosian Chronicles, starting with Dreams and Shadows, currently on sale for just 99c. Best of all, Book 2 has just been released so you won't have to wait to continue the story.
Michael is a young man in modern England, minding his own business in the local library. Life turns on its head, however, when he has a powerful dream, full of symbols and foreshadowing. After awakening the next morning, he is compelled to seek answers of his dream: a quest that soon draws him into the beautiful and magical land of Aylosia.
In an unfamiliar world with frightening creatures chasing him, threats against his life from all sides, and no way of knowing who he should trust; Michael must learn to face truths within himself in order to gain the power to save those he has grown to love.
Not one but two attempts at reckless capitalism
First, if you're into portal fantasy where the magic is unusual (described as a mix between WOT and Airbender), where races are not derivative of dwarves and elves, and the story more thoughtful than fast-paced, you really should check out The Aylosian Chronicles. They're both available on all good digital vendors, as well as a paperback, of course. Book 1, Dreams and Shadows you can find here. Book2, Woven Peril - somewhat darker in tone, is here
Second, I've just started a new small Indie press, Aelurus Publishing. What started out as merely an imprint for my own books has grown. What sets us apart is that don't grab your rights, and we don't ask for any money upfront as we'll do the editing, book cover, formatting, etc on a royalty share. Check out our Kickstarter here, or go straight to our website
The Aylosian Chronicles isn't just a portal fantasy. Neither is it only an epic fantasy. It doesn't only have interesting creatures and races, and great world building. And there is more to it than an unusual magic system.
No, the Aylosian Chronicles is much more than all of these things. It also has suspense, drama, tenderness, treachery, and tragedy. It has beautiful wisdom literature, and is full of symbols and meaning.
If you're after high-octane non-stop action, then the Aylosian Chronicles probably isn't for you. But if you like your fantasy a little more on the literary scale, then maybe it is. After all, my greatest inspiration is the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
Beginning with Dreams and Shadows, the second book in the series - Woven Peril - was released this summer. Available on all of the major ebook platforms, and also in paperback.
Michael is a young man in modern England, minding his own business in the local library. Life turns on its head, however, when he has a powerful dream, full of symbols and foreshadowing. After awakening the next morning, he is compelled to seek answers of his dream: a quest that soon draws him into the beautiful and magical land of Aylosia.
In an unfamiliar world with frightening creatures chasing him, threats against his life from all sides, and no way of knowing who he should trust; Michael must learn to face truths within himself in order to gain the power to save those he has grown to love.
With plot twists and turns, wisdom literature that will make you ponder, and a story that is both tragic and triumphant, Dreams and Shadows is a story that will linger in your mind long after you have finished reading.
A world where creatures and races are nothing like elves, dwarves and orcs. Where people are born with a magic unique to themselves. Where black is not black, and white is not white. Or is it? Where dreams are powerful, and a lost mother's love a lodestone.
Enter the world of Aylosia in Dreams and Shadows:
Michael is a young man in modern England, minding his own business in the local library. Life turns on its head, however, when he has a powerful dream, full of symbols and foreshadowing. After awakening the next morning, he is compelled to seek answers of his dream: a quest that soon draws him into the beautiful and magical land of Aylosia.
In an unfamiliar world with frightening creatures chasing him, threats against his life from all sides, and no way of knowing who he should trust; Michael must learn to face truths within himself in order to gain the power to save those he has grown to love.
With plot twists and turns, wisdom literature that will make you ponder, and a story that is both tragic and triumphant, Dreams and Shadows is a story that will linger in your mind long after you have finished reading.
Continue the tale in Woven Peril:
The Guardian’s forces may have left the forest, but they haven’t departed from Michael’s mind as he struggles to learn what his enemy will do next. Torn between feelings of guilt and love, he must now push ahead to find mythical halls deep in the earth, where secrets from the distant past are spoken of, and new riddles unearthed.
Entering dark paths, Michael must learn to use his growing power if he is to discover that which will save the land, at the same time as trying to protect those now under his care from new and deadly monsters sent to hunt him.
And all while he struggles to understand mysteries surrounding his mother.
Available from Amazon, iBooks, and Kobo
Do you like some literary fiction with your epic fantasy? Then Dreams and Shadows just might be for you.
Michael is a young man in modern England, minding his own business in the local library. Life turns on its head, however, when he has a powerful dream, full of symbols and foreshadowing. After awakening the next morning, he is compelled to seek answers of his dream: a quest that soon draws him into the beautiful and magical land of Aylosia.
In an unfamiliar world with frightening creatures chasing him, threats against his life from all sides, and no way of knowing who he should trust; Michael must learn to face truths within himself in order to gain the power to save those he has grown to love.
With plot twists and turns, wisdom literature that will make you ponder, and a story that is both tragic and triumphant, Dreams and Shadows is a story that will linger in your mind long after you have finished reading.
And if you want a preview of book 2, due out in just over a month, you can read the prologue. With allusions to Dante's Inferno, it's darker in tone, but should whet the appetite.
I've only just joined this group so hadn't heard of the anthology, but would love to know more and submit. I self-pub'd my first novel last month, and so far all reviews have been 5*. It's Dreams and Shadows, and is Fantasy (Epic/YA - but the YA bit is without the angst). It's a portal fantasy, with the opening chapter full of symbolism and foreshadowing. MC gets pulled into land and suddenly everyone is trying to kill him. If he can stay alive for long enough, he'll find out why. First two chapters are free on my website, jeffreycollyer.com It's reduced to 99c/99p tomorrow.