1” XPS foam tiles the same size as the mdf squares 8” x 8”. Glued to the mdf. Once dried I cut out the hillside with a knife. The ends all match up on a diagonal from the corner at 0” to the top of the foam in the center at 4”. The cliffs were formed by taking a hot knife style tool and melting out the cliffs. The tool is a butane torch style soldering iron from Dremel, with the hot knife tip.
Dremel 2000-01 VersaTip Precision Butane Torch Portable Micro Torch Mini Welder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MJW08JK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZNXJ52M7GMXZW2A7XEGV
You’ll need supplies for warping, bending, cutting and welding plastic. Heat gun, soldering iron, hot knife, plastic welding strips, an actual plastic welder would be nice but they are expensive an unnecessary as a soldering iron and torch is good enough. There are some video on YouTube of how to plastic weld with a soldering iron and a pocket torch. I’d recommend the Dremel torch it is a torch, soldering iron, hot knife and heat gun all in one.
Of course a torch would burn it if applied too closely. I use a torch. I hold it 8-12" away depending on the thickness and I go in a moderate sweeping speed below half of the max power. I love it and the fact that you've got soldering, cutting, engraving and several other tips is awesome. Anyway, it's a reasonably priced alternative to the heat gun and is cordless and from a reputable company. Practice on any new material first so you're comfortable.
Dremel 2000-01 Versa Tip Precision Butane Soldering Torch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MJW08JK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ssr.CbRXKETTW
I used a Dremel versa torch ;)
i never really liked woodburning as i was never an artist. that being said the one your looking at seems to be of iffy quality. if you wanna be the bast damn aunt or uncle id get him this one https://www.amazon.com/Dremel-2000-01-Precision-Butane-Soldering/dp/B00MJW08JK/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1493201538&sr=1-1&keywords=versa+tip
i use one of these http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-2000-01-Precision-Butane-Soldering/dp/B00MJW08JK/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1451929586&sr=1-1&keywords=dremel+soldering+iron
bit more versatile than a heat gun and useful for field soldering if you're desperate :D (no replacement for a hakko or weller iron)
here's an idea (havent tried it myself) try sharpening a soldering iron tip, heat it up and using that to remove it. or buy this
I haven't tried it for wood burning yet, but I have this Dremel butane torch that should work well
I think it's the Dremel one HERE
Thanks for the tips! I own a desoldering gun (looks like a fat pencil) and this is the soldering iron I have.
I had the gas maxed out because at lower settings, the old solder wasn't melting, no matter how long I held the tip to it, it probably could have been set lower if I tried adding new solder to it, I ended up doing that at the end.
I have one of these, it works well. nfs though, just another option.