Can't speak to the liberator but have definitely enjoyed this much cheaper alternative from Amazon:
Good firmness so you can maintain some leverage, but still comfy enough to not be distracting, definitely worth a shot for the price! ($31)
We have this one -- a $27 test drive, to see if we end up using it enough to justify the sexy Liberator with the restraints built in. So far it hasn't seen much use, but I have hopes!
One advice which worked for me , trying taking your meds 30mins - 1hr before dinner. I usually take my Omeprazole 30mins for 6:30 dinner and snack on yougurt, Banana or cookie. 1hr Netflix to fall asleep by midnight. Sadly i also have sleep apnea so netflex makes me tired and fall asleep while lying my wedge pillow got from Amazon
Hope this helps
Look for similar products marketed as medical supplies for people with injuries/mobility issues. I have this one and I love it; the fact that it folds into multiple shapes is a bonus IMO for both use with multiple positions, and for storage, and that kind of feature isn't even available from Liberator's super expensive line:
Obesity isn't your problem. I will always advocate that people get their weight into a *healthy* range, not for aesthetic reasons (I really don't care what you look like, that's on you and the people around you), but because being unhealthy is such a shitty life and I generally think happier people make a better world.
You problem is a lot of the stuff that is generally part and parcel of obesity--reduced mobility, sedentary lifestyle, reduced cardiac capacity, increased inflation response, reduced immune response and this whole big pile of increased health risks.
So I'm going to suggest two things, long term and short term solutions to your problem.
The long term solution is to *get stronger and increase range of motion*. This will hopefully lead to some loss of adiposity, but more importantly will increase your general health, and has a reasonable chance of positively impacting your osteoarthritis.
This means exercise, and probably some diet modification. This is tough for someone of your size because society judges the shit out of "people like you". It's easy to say "fuckem", but it's hard to go into the 24 hour fitness with all the Instagram influencers hitting on each other.
And you already have problems with arthritis, so I'm going to make a different suggestion than my usual. Find someplace near you that does some variation of "water aerobics" or "water dumbells". This type of exercise is *really* gentle on your joints, and works both your muscles and your cardio-vascular system. This will give you more strength and endurance. As you progress in this it *might* help with your arthritis too--gentle exercise is supposed to mitigate this. The other thing is that these classes TEND to be filled with older people who are physically in the same boat you are--overweight and arthritis.
Keep your eyes on the goal--building strength, endurance and range of motion. Don't worry about weight loss yet.
After you've done this for a couple months, consider engaging a physical trainer with the *specific* intent of training for mobility, endurance and range of motion. There are a lot of physical trainers out there who specialize in working with older adults who have similar issues to yours, use them rather than some 20something at 24hour Fitness (nothing wrong with them, they're just not what you need at this point).
Also do a web search on "anti-inflammatory diet" Depending on your current diet, switch specifically to one of these diets might mitigate some of the pain from the osteoarthritis, giving you more "room" to exercise.
In the short term, consider positioning pillows, sex furniture, and, depending on your living arrangements "sex swings".
My wife and I have used this from time to time, and it's been a bit of fun, but it might night be firm enough for you. But it might allow for some other positions.
There are other companies that make different kinds of pillows and positioners at both higher and lower price points and different materials that I've not tried.
Something like this may help.
Do web searches on "sex pillow", "Sex furniture" and "positioning pillow".
Finally you can try various versions of the "sex swing" out there. Some are freestanding (if you rent, or if you only have one guest bedroom where you would need to disassemble it when your mom/friend comes over for vacation).
Ah, yes. You need a wedge pillow.
Search amazon for “folding medical bed wedge”.
Drive Medical Folding Bed Wedge, 12"
> Is it the same feeling for girls when you do it in the pussy too?
No idea what it's like for most gals. I have interstitial cystitis, so pussy fucking isn't a great time for me.
> Most resources just say "Use LOTS of lube" some even say you can never have enough.
Yeah, that always bugged me for the reason I mentioned. You definetly should use more than you would if you were having vaginal sex, but you don't need to go SUPER overboard.
> I'll try out missionary, but how does that help?
I honestly have no idea why. I just know I've felt a similar sensation from vaginal sex, so it may or may not resolve the issue for you. Relaxation probably does play a part. For easier access and visual in missionary, I'd recommend putting some pillows under her butt to raise it up. Or using a positioning wedge. We have one of the Liberator ones, but they are a bit pricey. here is an amazon link to a cheaper one, if you're interested. You'd basically put it under her back and butt, and put her butt at the edge of the highest part. You can also try with her on her stomach, legs together, with the wedge propping her butt up.
> regarding anal pep
I usually have a vibrator on my clit during preparation, because it keeps me relaxed and enjoying it. From my experiences, anal prep is a mix of not-so-exciting and fun/naughty. I generally have to guide my SO and give feedback as to what feels good, and correcting if something doesn't feel good. The dilators actually feel really good, even just being inside me without any motion (or being slowly inserted). So you may find that might help your experience.
A big part might also be simply because it's something you're newer to- you have to focus more on the basic actions and learning what feels good over just relaxing and enjoying. It could also be the mentality of the warm-up being a means to an end. Try viewing the warm-up as having fun together rather than setting up for fun, if you've got the means to an end mentality.
> Vibrator recommendations
So, the magic wand is basically legendary. It's The Best™. It's a very powerful vibrator with deep, rumbly vibrations. (Rumbly is better than buzzy. Buzzy makes my clit feel more numb and itchy than it does pleasure.) I use the corded version during anal. But it does get in the way, so you may want a smaller vibe instead.
I've never tried any of these, but they've been highly recommend by sex toy bloggers. The We-Vibe Tango or the We-Vibe Touch, or the Snazzy Clit Vibe are some good options. (The tango is probably my highest recommendation.) Screaming O Vooom is good if you're on a budget, but the higher settings are a bit buzzy.
Hopefully this helps! If anything needs clarification, let me know.
Further, see this page (NSFW):
Or if those are too pricey, this might work for you
The advantage these have over regular pillow are threefold. They are designed (more or less) for the task, they are taller, and if you get body fluids/lube on them you don't have to put your head on it to sleep :)
Also if his/your bed is too close to the floor for him to stand on the floor and give it to you good consider looking at some of these to raise the bed to a better height:
Also check the bed you are using. I am developing this theory that a bed that is good to *sleep* on is not as good for sex.