What about an adjustable hospital type table? That should work over just about any chair and depending on the model could probably handle a monitor mount.
I use a medical tray table that I bought off Amazon. Something like this.
Telescopic height and more than enough room for 2 laptops, drinks, etc.
Dark colored pillow cased. They are going to get stained. Depending on how much the incision oozes, you may want to change it every day or 2x daily.
Easy things to wear - maybe a couple of shirts that snap or button in front so he doesn't have to pull them over his head.
I bought a projection clock that shines the light on the ceiling, so if he wakes at night he doesn't have to look for the clock.
Maybe an overbed table like this one. Everything I've gotten from Drive has been well made and easy assembly. https://smile.amazon.com/Drive-Medical-Overbed-Table-Silver/dp/B002VWJZ8S/ref=sr\_1\_3?dchild=1&keywords=overbed+table&qid=1634948935&rdc=1&sr=8-3
Ohhh I can help... when my wife had to undergo surgery, and later chemotherapy, she was in bed for weeks.... I bought this..
and I set up her computer with some cable extenders so her monitor and keyboard was on the tray, Her mouse she had on a large flat hard surface ( like a big book ) next to her.
She loved it so much she still uses it
I don't know if getting a new table is an option for you, but when I was recovering from surgery I got a table like this one and it was a godsend. You can get them for as low as $45. It would allow you to position the monitor closer to you, over the bed (if you have help to move it, don't hurt yourself further).
I also loved my VR headset when I was recovering. Oculus Quest wasn't really around yet, but I had an adapter for my phone and it was awesome. Made me forget I was stuck in bed.
For video games, I played a lot of World of Warcraft then because it didn't take a whole lot of thought and was pretty relaxing (I was on pain meds). If you don't like WoW, maybe try Valheim if you haven't yet. You can spend a lot of time building stuff and that's a lot of fun on it's own. If you want more action than that, then maybe try World War Z. The hordes of zombies in that one are so overwhelming that you cant really focus on them even if the monitor is right in front of your face. But it's a ton of fun.
If you can get the monitor closer, then I highly recommend Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. If you liked Borderlands, then you'll love Wonderlands. Outriders is also a lot of fun, the guns are very satisfying. And then there's my favorite: any of the Call of Duty games.
I hope you feel better soon!
Maybe something like that.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Drive Medical 13067 Non Tilt Top Overbed Table, S… | $55.61 | $55.61 | 4.4/5.0 |
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My first thought was this but it only goes to 45 inches. Drive Medical 13067 Non Tilt Top Overbed Table, Silver Vein https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002VWJZ8S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J8XDM7C869NEPJC3VVBC
Ah, these reach higher and someone even has a photo of their bike setup :).
Use one of these type adjustable surfaces to get your setup at the right height for you.
Bonus1: With the right setup, you can easily convert it from a 'sitting surface' to a 'standing surface' with a simple lever.
Bonus2: Doubles as a personal coffee table.
For awhile I used one of these type surfaces as a space efficient convertible sitting/standing desk by clamping a monitor to the edge using a VESA mount.
Other commentary: Using a mouse requires a flat level surface. I cannot imagine a lap desk type setup to be good for mousing (good luck getting that level!). Same deal with some of these funky 'sits on the couch with you' surfaces. I tried using a specially contoured logitech 'couch mouse' once. Useless.